(REQ) I have also been looking for the monster labs Strawberry custard clone. Or a really good Strawberry Custard recipie. I haven’t found one yet I want to make. Or what goes well in a Strawberry Custard
. Thanks.
The only one I dont have is the strawberry jam with toast but I will have it on my next order. Thanks so much. I can’t wait!!!
Uhura’s Kiss : https://e-liquid-recipes.com/recipe/2802887/Uhura’s%20Kiss%20🌟
1.00% Cookie (Biscotto) (FA)
2.00% French Vanilla (CAP)
3.00% Glazed Strawberries (VTA)
0.50% Graham Crust (FA)
4.00% Strawberry Juicy (FA)
2.00% Vanilla Custard (CAP)
2.50% Vanilla Whipped Cream (CAP)
2.50% Yes, We Cheesecake (INAWERA)
Flavor total: 17.5%
Remember to rate it at: http://tjek.nu/r/qp7J
This is an excellent strawberry custard made by @TorturedZen who just so happens to like strawberry. If you check out his recipes you will probably find something you like.
This also is a clone of 1 of my favored e-juice tough not easy to make, i guess my base is not as neurtal…
Yep…that’s a good one as well!
Once you wade through some of the bullshit recipes you’ll start to uncover the hidden gems. Here’s one of them…