Hey looking for help with a peanut butter custard using stuff in the stash. Kinda wanting a good balance of custard and peanut butter. Like a big brand peanut butter(kraft etc) creamy smooth and whatnot.
What’s in your stash bro?!
Tpa peanut butter
Flavourhub peanut butter
Cap peanut butter
Fa custard
Tfa whipped cream
Fa marshmello
Fa fresh cream
Sorry i added my flavours to my stash on my profile but i guess thats just personal onfo no one else can see???
Welcome and glad you joined.
Thanks man appreciate it!
If you want jif type pb my fav combo is cap pb with tpa pb
What sort of ratio do you use?
@Sc0p3z THIS is one of the dudes you want to take advise from. The Force is STRONG with this one.
I’d venture out and say equal parts- and see where it goes. Try mixing up a 10ml tester- and if you’d mix it again, you got yourself a winner!!
Go to you stash and choose to make it public. Just look in the fine print, you can make the entire stash public.
I have it selected properly i think. This is from yesterday when i made the account but i guess it isnt popping up for others still so not too sure what to do lol
Yeah pretty much playing with it right now actually. Just made a 5ml tester at 2% of the tfa. Def need to keep trying, was fairly disappointing
A lot of people dont like Cap but i do…I use it in a Popcorn Mix from a loooooong time ago but its not bad at all
Is this the original or premium??
sorry for jumping in without any real helpful info here but, how do you actually access/view peoples flavour stash from the forum side? its impossible for me to find some people on the recipe side, unless they have uploaded a recipe they dont seem to pop up in searches?
but yeah, str8vaping is probably the guy for pb recipes, Lynda_Marie for custards, a combination of advice from those 2 would definitely result in a really nice pb custard recipe. I dont like pb myself but my fave custards are mb legendary custard, cap custard cream, cap smooth custard & inw custard. Sorry i couldnt be more helpful but the guys have you covered anyways.
Just the original i think. It didnt say anything else on the website or the bottle
I havent tried it out yet but just doing solo tests right now of them one by one. Unfortunatey ontario banned rda so its rather tedious doing in a tank. Fucking governments
Yeah honestly i have no clue how to view them. I thought it would be on the profile but i guess not. And i have faith ill mix something suitable in the end one way or another. Even with brute force and determination lol
Yeah the guys here will also help you achieve that if you ever need any assistance, they’re great like that. You also did the right thing by solo testing, that was a good move
Yeah i figure itll gimmie a better handle on the individual aspects of each pb. If it wasnt so painful using a tank id probably enjoy it lol may just go hunting for an rda