SWAP to STOP Campaign in the UK

I might relocate after all !!!


Lol, that was a fast reaction @D.Sims No sooner did I hit the button did I see your response. I just heard about this today on radio.


I seen that it was you that posted- so a :heart: was in order!! :smiling_face:


Aw shucks, you’re a sweetie :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Have you read any of this yet? Makes me feel that the US is hopeless. I can’t in my wildest dreams even imagine the States moving in that direction.


The US never will go in that direction. The government makes too much money off of cigarettes. The American Heart Association wouldn’t get the funding they need to exist along side other health organizations. Nicotine will remain the evel enemy here longer than my grand children will live.


I gave it a quick read- and agree with getting ppl to vape instead. We all know how much better it is in general. It’s a matter of getting them started- and they’ll never go back!! :crossed_fingers:


Amen, brother! The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth…money! How pitiful, how sad.


I have to agree with you.


The nhs has been doing this for years. Literally they give people free kits and liquids to get them started. Vaping is 100% supported by the nhs. Crazy how the uk health organization is all about saving lives and the US is all about getting people back on cigarettes for the taxes generated lol


May I rephrase that?

“Crazy how the uk health organization is all about saving lives and the US is all about killing people for the taxes generated lol” :angry:


It’s the key difference of having a health system funded through taxation: The NHS wants to put money in the areas which will reduce additional costs down the line. Also, the Government wants to be seen to be effectively using over £600m of taxpayer’s money. The rest of funding comes from semi-private dental work and prescriptions. Over here, it is £9.65 per item (which could be a month’s supply), if you are working regardless of the actual price of the medication. So, drugs companies have no incentive to price fix.

As such, we have NICE (The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) to make the cost/benefit analysis and they view buying mods and juice in bulk is much cheaper than the later life lung, general cancer and heart issues they would have to deal with.

Another lateral addition is to conduct heart checks on men over 40 to see if statins would be beneficial. When you hit 50, well that’s when you are encouraged to have prostate exams.


In Wales and Scotland prescriptions are free, in other parts of the U.K. some people can also get free prescriptions if they have been awarded with a HC2 document or are on certain government benefits.


So many Americans talk about how much better healthcare is…anywhere but here. I can’t even approach the subject without my hair catching fire but I thank you for informing me about how it works across the pond.


Ah yes, I forgot the Wales and Scotland exceptions. Also those deep-fried pizzas and Irn Bru does help my northerly neighbours to remain in rude health.


They deep fry everything up there even their Mars Bars so it’s no wonder they have such a high record of cardiovascular disease…I must admit that I am partial to a good haggis though with a wee dram.


Well, haggis is one of those amazing rustic foods which make your stomach sing. It and black pudding are two of my comfort foods. And, with over a decade out in Asia, I have had the chance to try most of the traditional blood dishes out there. I think the sausages from Harbin and Heilongjiang win out for the intestinally cased fair, with stir-fried congealed duck blood and bamboo being the most inventive.

Also, I cannot think of any event which wouldn’t benefit from an extra dram.


Ha! Leave my deep fried alone. It’s a carnival treat and only lasts a short period of time in the Northern States in the US. :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: Haggis? The only intestine I want to eat is the one incasing a all beef whiener. Can’t live for ever you know. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


The American Heart association will argue that claim. They will tell you that nicotine is the blood of the devil. Nothing from the devil is good. All on the tax payers dime. Without a enemy they no longer would exist.


Remember just because its free doesnt mean its best. I can honestly say it took my partner to finally get a specialist after years dealing with a health problem. Where as if you had private insurance you would get that a lot quicker. After experience the health care system in the us and uk i can honestly say when it comes to health issues you get far better care in the health system in us. Even people on state aid in the us get better care then the free in uk. Just my experience


Thank you for that information. I may have read something about that a year or two ago or heard it on radio. Whatever the case, it’s important to consider.