Swapping broken IPV mini board with another yihi board

I have a broken charging usb port/dock on my original IPV mini 70 watt. I bought it about a year or so ago.Trolling google and what not its frustrating to see they dont sell just a sx 330v2c chip.It would seem its discontinued. :rage:
Soldering is out of the question it has 4 micro leads.So my question is will a board like a SX330 V2 S 60W work.Fit is the real question.I miked it and its to small one way to large another .Any input or a direction to go?

Also the YIHI website SUCKS for dimensions.

That sucks OK I have played with the ipv mini 2 a lot do to lack of parts I have gone in a different direction good news do to battery cap striping the boards are around if you look I have a couple old boards pm me pay the shipping you can have them both boards are for parts only I have a case with proper ground you can have it too I use Opus DNA 200 now I can get parta and warranty no problem let’s say I have no use for any pioneer products they suck

Holy shit,kind gesture on your part !I am starting to realize the “pioneer products suck”.I have another ipv mini, I bought after the initial broken box.I mean they work but after tearing down the broken one,meh.Pretty shitty spot for a charging port on the bottom?!Really???
I dropped the damn thing while I was charging it while driving.I’ve been pondering since I posted.Maybe the easiest and cheapest might just be a VTC mini.From site sponsor insert name…Maybe I’ll take you up on it ,not sure.

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