Sweet Cream Cap vs FW ( opinions needed )

These days, so do I. I have switched almost exclusively the FW Vanilla Cupcake when I need a cakey taste. It’s close enough for my needs…


thats one i have not tried yet , this replaces the FW yellow cake ??

Remember, it’s tastes like a vanilla cupcake. I personally use it instead of Yellow Cake, would be better terminology. I do feel you could use it in most recipes without ill effects on the recipe, in place of Yellow Cake. Just depends what your shooting for. In my blending I don’t necessarily shoot for a peticular taste, I shoot for SOMETHING that tastes good. This gives me more leniency in flavor use. If you bought some FW Vanilla Cupcake, I doubt you would be sorry. You can then judge for yourself how close it is. I’ll admit, never did a taste comparison…


im always willing to try something new , ty for the tip

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Outside of FW’s having AC in it versus no diketone in CAPS. I will say I feel like FW’s has more of a milk tendency and sweet cream Caps more of a clean cream if this makes any sense. That’s how my brain compartmentalizes the two separately.


I second the FW Vanilla Cupcake, such a great cakey flavor others seem to lack. I usually mix Cap Vanilla Cupcake and FW Vanilla Cupcake to make my super cakey mixes. Y’all have me wanting to try the Sweet Cream though :slight_smile:


TPA Cupcake is all icing, no real discernable cake flavor at all.

Since the posters have placed a little thought into this thread, how does Real Flavors Sweet Cream (SC) fall into hierarchy between the different Sweet Creams?


IMO, @Alisa is the FW goddess…


Been wondering that same thing myself, bout to nab some people from the RF SC 1 thread that I know have purchased it.

@BoyHowdy @Fozzy71 @DrChud @bluenose63
I know you guys have messed with the RF SC Sweet Cream, any thoughts on that in comparison to the CAP and FW versions?

@Alisa @BoDarc
I know you two have used it as well, any thoughts on it in comparison to FW and CAP sweet cream?

I know you tend to use CAP Sweet Cream mostly, any experience with the RF SC Sweet Cream?

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Sorry buddy. I don’t have this one. I’m still in standby mode with RF SCs.


I haven’t done any head to head comparison but it works well in my Unicorn Milk - RealFlavors

%s? I cut the non-RF % value roughly in half to start …so FW may be 4% I’d start with 2% SC RF


I used it at 1.25 percent in a simple Strawberries and Cream recipe and there was pretty much no detectable cream, even after a month. Do you find it weak at all?

Looking at that recipe I also added Bavarian Cream, so again conflicts with real answer. I also default mix 70/30 VG/PDO and 1% Distilled Water. I had real flavor issues (weak) when I mixed MaxVG. I mostly vape RTAs

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I feel ya, I was max VG until one day I started going 80/20 and then it was like I could actually taste what I was making. I don’t know what the max VG craze is unless you are a cloud chaser or have a sensitivity to PG.

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@Amy2 we know that tpa sweet cream has BA in it from the smell alone lol , what does cap use if it not BA because i get no smell or taste like tpa or rfsc for that matter


Idk but Sweet Cream TFA Both Versions have BA so neither one of them are appropriate to mix w/ any other diketone if you are aiming for a cleaner juice.
That would be up to Capella’s to disclose I am sure they are not giving away trade secrets

I don’t know anything about RF SC Sweet Cream outside of hear tell that it is way weaker when compared to their Cream & Condensed Milk.

Also I didn’t mention the BA in them before now on this thread I said FW’s Sweet Cream has AC in it why they decided that I got no idea.


ahhhh i see ty for the knowledge :wink:

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I just noticed that Flavorah ALSO has a sweet cream, has anyone had experience with this?

I just got some fw vc. I got the idea from reading this thread the other week but I forgot if you guys said tfa or fw vc was better. It literally took me two hours of trying to Google this… I thought I had read this on reddit for some reason. Glad I found it… I now know I ordered the right one. Will be giving the fw sweet cream a shot next order.