TC With SS Low Ohm Coils

Hi all, I am having some difficulty with SS coils in TC mode and am looking for some advice

My current setup is as follows:

  • Wismec RX2/3 Mod
  • Smok RTA G2 Tank (Dual Velocity style deck)

If I use SS temp control I seem to be okay with dual 316L coils that are low mass and above 0.4 ohms, single core claptons for example that warm up fairly quickly (for SS anyway), it seems the mod is okay with these.

However if I attempt to use a “heavier” coil setup, such as super juggernaut or staircase (something with multiple core wires and complicated wraps) which end up at 0.1 - 0.15 ohms, the mod freaks out and reverts to VW mode within half a second.

I think, but may be completely wrong, that this has something to do with the way the mod must be “testing” the change in resistance for applied wattage before being happy it can continue with TC mode, and that the larger mass coils take too long to heat up and change in resistance?

Do you have any suggestions on getting around this issue with my current setup?

Anyone running a similar configuration in TC mode that can recommend me maybe a better mod, capable to TC with low ohm high mass SS coils? Gut feel says it’s the Wismec not being capable of what I want?


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Did you make the staircase and juggernauts, or buy them?

Many places will use kanthal (or other wire) for wrapping, etc. yet still call the coil SS

The 2/3 should work, my RX200S will.


Hohmwrecker g2 - however i also have the rx2/3 i get the same issue.

I find i can fix it by unscrewing the atty firing hence resetting it and switching modes then screw back on again. May take 2 tries and then its fine.

however. If it sits for an hour or two it can switch itself back to vw again on starting up again then i repeat the above process. Annoying yes. But i have a 0.06 Ω build currently I can get to TC that way.

The hohm-wrecker-g2 not an issue either way, currently half price at vaporcube I reckon the value cannot be beat. Some don’t like the box format but I love it, you could try the hohm slice if you want something more ergonomic, same chip only 1 26650 battery opposed to 2 x 18650 in the wrecker.


Pre-wound on a reel, last think I want to do is build from scratch :slight_smile: Can you recommend any brand that can be relied on? I am using MKWS right now from fasttech, they also sell UD stuff though…

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If others don’t have issue with wismec mods then I’ll stick with it as it must be something to do with the coils at a guess, that said if I get nowhere I’ll take your advice on board :wink:

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I have used MKWS wire in the past. Single wire only. I make my own claptons.
It has been a few years since I used any, but I stopped using it most likely because
I had problems with it, maybe small…I just don’t remember.
There is much better wire today than MKWS, but as you know, it costs more.

@Rob62 would probably know where to get good stainless steel clapton wire.

I personally don’t trust Chinese wire for quality, especially SS.

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Could it be that I am just expecting too much from TC using heavy coils like this? Maybe I need new tech to come out with temp sensors in tanks which pass on info to a mod lol, a TCS tank and mod tm (temperature controlled and sensed). I can always create simple spaced single core claptons which seem to work fine or could even revert back to single wire builds

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I get all my SS wire from Kidney Puncher

And my 316L SS mech from Lightning Vapes

For pre made clapton and fused clapton wire / coils try

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I have that same tank but haven’t built on it yet. It is the next one I plan to build eventually. I am currently running a Billow v3+ - 24/36ss clapton, 7 wraps, 0.19ohm 70w tc 450f on my rx2/3 with no issues. Maybe just try building closer to 0.2 ohm and see how it works?

edit to add: have you tried locking in the cold resistance? I keep my res locked on non-dna mods.

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No , my hohm-wrecker-g2 does not bat an eyelid with the same exact build/atty. The rx2/3 is perhaps a bug, it can do it but there is something I haven’t worked out yet. It’s about resetting atomisers I believe and maybe there is a trick to it. Once going in that mode it’s fine. The other thing worth checking is that your build is not shorting perhaps.

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It also couldn’t hurt to update your rx2/3 firmware if you haven’t yet. If you also (or HAVE to) run it in VW mode the new preheat function is nice to have.

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I was under the impression preheat also works in TC mode. I set it up and just assumed it was. I’ll have to go and find out when I get home.

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It could be the difference between a $150 mod and a $50 one, and the boards they use. I know my istick 100TC worked just okay with SS claptons but I tried a friends dna 250 and the difference was night and day.

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Exactly, however the hohm-wrecker-g2 is a $65 mod half price for a short while. That’s why I think for value at the moment is fantastic.


I’m currently using 2 x single core Ss 26/32awg clapton with 7 wraps which comes in at .45 ohms and it works fine, its when I use the clunker/fancier lower ohm premade wires coming in at 0.1 to 0.15 where I have issues. And yeah, I always lock in the res at room temp.

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It’s a 100 euro mod when you factor in shipping and then the chance of our customs grabbing it and charging you another 22.5% on top of that lol

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Yep, running the latest firmware with preheat, I’ll see if upping the preheat helps or not for TC, worth a shot!

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I’m in the UK, I may try crazywire here for SS rather than fasttech (China)…the thinner single core Clapton I use which does work came from then and I think they’re now starting to make more premade reel options for SS.


Yeah, maybe I just need to go DNA, but I will try the cheaper options first, just means I’ll have more wire in stock if nothing else :slight_smile:

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There’s not even a comparison between a dna and what I’ve used before. They’re miles ahead, in saying that though, I haven’t used many other mods.

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