Temperature control on Alien

From what i have heard it is supposed to be made in the US but don’t take my word for it. Since you posted this i have tried to find any information on where it is made but found nothing.
So basically it can be made anywhere in the US or China for that matter. To me it doesn’t really matter as long as the build quality is as high as it is and as long as it performs the way it is supposed to.

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I’m with you on that one. I don’t care where something is made as long as the quality is there.

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Goon from what I researched before buying one is made in New Jersey @DrChud @Norseman I will see if I can find out where I saw this.

If you have a mod that does good temperature control, there’s no way that you’d go back to variable wattage mode.
I can’t tell you how many wicks I’ve scorched because I didn’t keep an eye on the level of liquid while i was watching a movie or focused on something else… this just doesn’t happen in TC.
Not only that, but you get a much more consistent vape experience. Especially on fancy coils, it takes a while to heat them up and most people use real power to do so. But if you take long puffs, that power will make it so uncomfortably hot.

I had similar issues like you, that a fancy coil didn’t change resistance fast enough for the mod to notice and it always jumped back to minimal wattage in VW mode. A trick, to apply a higher than usual power with the TC, usually does the trick as it shortens the ramp up time, but this can be unsafe to do and give an unstable TC experience. And if you can glow your coils that way in TC mode, you know something’s seriously wrong.

I got sick and tired of it, i.e. cheap mods that don’t handle TC very well, so I went out and bought a DNA250. I was very skeptical about it before I bought it, but I can tell you it’s worth every penny. I’m not messing around with “cheap” Wismec or Smok mods anymore. They work well for VW tanks/coil made with Kanthal, but if you enjoy a proper TC vape, a better mod is worth every cent.


@DrChud Ok I emailed 528 Vapes and asked where Goon is made and they told me China. Don’t know where I heard or saw USA either but I could have swore I did. Maybe word of mouth at vape store or something.

That might have ruined the “All American Made” dream for a lot of people.

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Ya, it’s a bit of a let down but still love the thing. Would have been nice to have seen it made in US for sure. Still not sure when I heard US made. Looked every where.

pretty much means they make for about $5 and sell it at a premium price

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I’m not quite sure why it’s a let down. The atty is still exactly the same, nothing has changed about the build quality or performance. Maybe you’re disappointed that you bought the PR spiel that ‘Made in the USA’ automatically means something is better or of a higher quality. Reviewers have been spinning that line for a long time. They even did it with the Sherman RTA and were singing it’s praises about the build quality, then they found out it’s made in China too and it was too late to take all the praise back lol.
As @Norseman said earlier, who cares where it’s made as long as it does what it’s supposed to do and is a quality piece.

For my encore I’ll be telling young children that santa doesn’t exist :grin:


There are very few things that are produced in the US. Goon and other things are DESIGNED in the US but to keep the things affordable, they make them in China.

DNA chipset boards are an exception I believe. I do think they’re made in the US because in China they can’t quite match the build quality. But don’t shoot me if I’m wrong :slight_smile:


H i guys,
I have an Alien 220 and like I read here, I’m not the only one having problems with the TC mode. Doesn’t matter if it’s in Ni or SS or an RDA, RTA or a tank, I can’t seem to have it work.
I played with the TC-SS from .00075 - .00150, in increment or .000010, played with the temperature and there’s little to no vape and then it burns the coil in a sec.

I use TC on my Kangertech box 75w and it works great exept if I build too low like a .15 - .20 big fused clapton, it takes a long time to heat up.

I was looking at the Wismec Reuleaux RX2/3 or the Predator.
What are your thoughts on those and do you have any other suggestions?
I’d like to keep it under $80US if possible.
Thanks in advance.

@SegJu… I am using Temp Control on my Alien now and seems to be working ok at lower wattage of 76 at 460F with .00092 on SS. Sometimes I will double hit the trigger but it seems to be working fine. Just don’t hold the trigger too long. Its sensing the temp of coil. Ramp up will kick a little later but don’t hold, you will be done your vape by then. Make sure you have latest update to 1.2.2

There’s a new firmware version out for the Alien, I’ve just downloaded it but haven’t tried it yet. Here’s a link for it.


Thanks @DrChud for the heads up, I’m gonna get it setup for sure. I love the Alien.

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Ok installed and setup. The default SS is set for 000105 instead of the .00092. I cranked watt to 90 and upped to 490F. Seems to work. Anyone else that tries, please post some results.

Edit Ok this still or is worse than previous version. It is quite week and for chain vape it doesn’t seem to crank up.

Anybody else get the invalid chip id error? I got that error with the 1.2.11 and 1.3.2 upgrades on both of my Aliens that I purchased this year (they are not the B versions).

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No error for me. Did ou hold trigger down during entire process?

Now it seems to work, what I did was cool coils down,removed Goon from Alien. Setup as new coil and got some hot hits at 90Watts at 500F. Then it kicks out once they hot to seemingly control the temp.

Yeah, I did that. Took the batteries out, ran the upgrade software as administrator, different cords, re-downloaded the update, but same error. I found a solution and have them updated. The ISP Tool is the same version, but I think the config file in the solution is older. When I ran the update, the config data shows 00013000 like the website says it should, so I’m guessing its all good.

I have the new update 1.3.2 installed .
I try your setting and it little to no vapor. I change the tank and it now work a little bit better.
I have a juggernaut coil in my Pharaoh @.23Ohm, 80 Watts, 430F, SS set @ 000105 and its a cool to worm vape. I will build new simple coils and test with those. I read that it’s fussy with other coils then simple one’s
Thanks for the info…