wood panel
Way cool Looks Good
You’ve got hairy legs, nice door
lol it’s because it’s winter here in canada and we get winter coat haha i just made sitting around bored and wanted some other outside opinion , i thought about cutting some copper and clad the corners in copper triangles
thanks , can’t decide if i should of left it a lighter stain or went darker , have any thoughts on that ?
Looks Good to me but your the one that has to like it
true enough , i’ll probably just make a few more and try lighter and darker and maybe i’ll dye a few ,blue , red , green ,purple
It’s got a nice grain to it. Whatever brings out the grain best, I love a rich red type wood and also a lovely pale golden. Good job, make a few. You have inspired me.
thank you for the positive feed back , i agree about the wood grain , its only pine so it’s pretty light if i just clear coated it or 2 part resin it , mahogany or crows eye maple would awesome to get my hands on but unfortutly it’s hard to find where i live
Dude this is really cool! Would love to see a tutorial on how to make these.
thank you much , it’s super easy , just need tools and wood really , i traced it and made it 1/16th inch bigger all around cut it out on the band saw then sanded to my trace line constantly checking to make sure not to go to far because you can always take away but i’ve never seen a wood stretcher in my time . then stained it ,wiped it ,dryed it .easy as pie just be careful and mind your fingers and remember “if woman does find you handsome they should at least find you handy”>redgreen