I’m trying to make a malt with my favorite fruit with this flavor. I’m hoping it can add the malted part to the profile. Does anyone know if this works for making an ejuice malt flavor? I seen some mixed reviews.
I’ve only mixed it a few times, so cannot do a great review other than to say it is strong, and can take over a mix if used too heavy. Def. has a fair amount of malt. I would have to mix it as a SF to really test it out though.
Ok thanks. I’ll try that before I mix it. I’m attempting to make my all time favorite malt Pineapple malt. I used to get them from a small custard stand yrs ago. I’m just waiting for my (real flavor) pineapple & malt to arrive.
It doesn’t hurt to get a popular consensus on flavors. But seeing as everyone has different tastes and palates you’ll want to sit down and do some single flavor testing to get a handle on what you like and how much to use in a recipe.
According to the database here the current average mixing quantity is 2.2% for TFA MM.
I’ve used higher than that, but my palate has some mileage on it.
I have used this flavor in only one recipe which was a chocolate recipe which I added some Malted Milk and some other flavors. One thing I learned about this flavor is that you can not use more than 2%. This flavor will fade other flavors as EM/Cotton Candy will. Unfortunately I can not say whether this will do what you are looking for, especially since you can not use very much of it. It’s been quite a while since I played with the Malted Milk so I can not confirm it being a strong flavor but if @SessionDrummer is correct then maybe 2% might do the job for you…
i cannot make a great review since i bought it recently and haven’t used it very much… though i have used it very small % with some creams… Vanilla Swirl, Sweet Cream etc with Fruits topping … worked fine, but still i need to fix % in overall… unfortunately i can’t give you more feedback since i don’t have it for myself too
I’m struggling to remember the very few recipies that I mixed with it, but as long as it was lower in the mix, seemed to work good. I do remember (not documented) tossing some in to one of my many S’mores mix, but I went too high, and it took over the mix, and not in a good way. Not a slam on the flavor, but my incorrectly high useage of it.
Malted milk is a really underrated flavour imo - i do use it pretty low .25% to enhance chocolate and tops 1% for a strong malt (i am generally pretty low on the flavour strength so YMMV).
since i have used it with vanilla swirl and sweet cream… after a long time steeping both flavors have some milky profile in my palate… i i am not sure if they’re boosting the malted milk or if malted milk complete the whole profile for sure… while at 1%-1,5% as you already said… isn’t a slam in the face flavor or something… still need to test it more for having a better feedback unfortunately…
though in the way i can understand, it works nicely with many creams, chocolate and probably Black Honey in small percentages… and probably could be used in some cases with biscuit (INW and specially atmos lab (this one is more “bready” and str8forward biscuit)
Ok thanks that helps out alot! I’m looking to make a rich and creamy malt. I’m going to try and make a few test bottles of my mix with the malt at different strengths and see what happens.
I use it at 1.5% in a strawberry milkshake & it works nice.
Anything over 2% & I don’t care for it.
That sounds great! Thank you
I’m with @ringling on this one, so plan your mix taking that into account. I have some great mixes using MM but I still wish it actually tasted malted. It does help with a few things but I have yet to achieve that malted flavor I want out of it. The highest I have used it, was 2% but that was in a pretty heavy, multi-flavored, mix. Turned out a bit like a shake, but not sure how much the MM had a hand in that (there were a lot of other creams/milks in the mix)
What if you mixed MM with NF malt? Think it would give the staying power then? To be used as a booster?
Keep us updated on the outcome. Whaty are you starting with? TFA?
Yes, the TFA MM and I have about seven or eight more flavors I using with it. I just got my order yesterday. So I’m starting my testing today
Can’t help ya there, I don’t have any NF flavors
A mixer with no NF is to a chef with no spoon
I couldn’t even tell ya what NF is, hehe. Unless it’s Northwest? Those I have a few of, but not Malt
In my experience, Nature Flavors (NF) Malt is the best Malt their is beside of FA’s extra strong Malt.
@Amy2 is a veteran mixer here that call tell you how well NF Malt tastes and what it adds to a recipe.