TFA Sweet and Tart tastes like Ick and blech, help

I’ve seen this in percentage amounts of up to 10%…I think I would quit vaping altogether. Also how can anyone not feel like they just inhaled lemon furniture polish using TFA fruit circles at anything over 1%? Even then it takes the patience of Job too steep it long enough to mellow out (BTW, I’d never combine the two, I’m sure it would lead to something irreversible). So, all that being said, how do I fall in love with TFA “Sweet and Tart” ? Also, just to be fair, it was kinda a rant. I apologize.

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I’ve never used it above 1% and then only in fruit mixes. From what I’ve read it should enhance fruit and give it a sour tart edge. I’ve never used it with fruit circles either.

I agree… Tart and sour Cereal really doesn’t sound to good.

I’ve only used Fruit Circles in one recipe and I must admit it is outstanding.
Tongue F%#*

Sorry I didn’t thank you for responding. I did find a use for S&T in a very small amount. I still haven’t been able to deal with FC though. I’ve been on a cereal kick lately. Just for myself. I’ve been liking Berry crunch mixed with a few things. I’ve found that a small amount of Lemon Sicily is what I was looking for.

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I’m glad you came up with something good to vape.