Hey all… I’m curious as to how ya’ll are vaping this setup and how you like it if you do.
I have been vaping the TFV4 prebuilt SS atomizer on my Cuboid with these settings and I really enjoy it:
TCR 180
Resistance shows 0.27
But now, my son just got this same setup, but he gets ‘Protection’ and no vape all of the time when set to the exact same settings as me.
One thing different is, he pulls much harder and longer than I.
He’s given up for now on using TC and went bacck to power mode set at 45w.
Do any of you have a better suggestion for settings for him?
That may be a wick that is too tight and not letting enough juice flow to the coil, causing the coils to heat up too quickly. Usually that is the problem for me.
Ok… so, it may be that his prebuilt coil is just wicked tighter than mine?
I’ll get him more coils in the mail this week. Hopefully, the next one he puts in will work better.
As far as I can tell everything looks normal. I don’t use TCR on anything though. But temp protection kicks in when you have a dry coil. Or when you get up to temp. I would suggest you swap tanks and see if your tank gets the same results on his mod. Maybe there is a temp control issue with the mod. It could be a number of things, so I would start with these tests and see where that gets you.
When I had my RX200 mod, it did the same thing to me. The temp protection kicked in way too soon. It was a faulty mod. So he needs to try to rule that out first I would say.
I know nothing about the TFV4 but my evic minis will sometimes do that just because the temp setting is a little to low. Have him try increasing the temp setting 10 degrees at a time and see if that helps first. But this is just a guess based on personal experiences.
I got a new RBA for my subtank and I have trouble with it not wicking enough. I can turn up the temp, but all that does it burn the juice/cotton. Only solution is to rewick/rebuild or switch to wattage mode.
TC can be a lot more finicky than wattage mode, for sure.
Hi gang , you guys really know your stuff - I am thinking of buying a new TC Battery mod
Have been using tesla60 w but the battery is pants my choices are ipv5 or kooper plus any thoughts gang ??
Have him try turning the mod off remove tank, then turn mod back on and hitting the fire button to show no atty, then put the atty on and it should ask new coil or old coil. click new coil and try again.
@Blueboy I’d recommend at least a two battery mod A single 18650 barely cuts it. Many of us have Cuboid TC 150s which are firmware upgradeable to 200W with 2 18650s. Solved all of my issues (stainless body)
If the Kooper is the 200w model, I’d recommend you stay away from it. The TC is very flawed. As a wattage mod it’s great, but that’s it. Never tried the IPV but heard good things. My newfound favorite is the Hohm Wrecker G2. So far. it works great.