Thank you for this amazing website!

Just wanted to say thank-you all for this site. I have just begun this adventue in diying, and this has been an incredible place to begin!! We have made nothing but very enjoyable juices, all coming from this site. You guys are amazing, and just wanted to thank you.



Youā€™re welcome :slight_smile: Weā€™re happy to have you!


What he said! Iā€™m glad youā€™ve found help in your DIY journey here. I think thatā€™s why most of us are here. We all got help from somewhere at some point and those of us who have a little time doing this want to give a little bit of that back. :slight_smile:


Wonderful family here too, Iā€™ve found my second home. Thanks from me guys for all you do as well.


I feel like this site would be pretty fricken nifty even without having a forum full of awesome folks. Hell, the flavor database alone is worth a bookmark.


Yes I also just started making my own juice and spent a great deal of money on flavors but I enjoy making my own juice and this site really is the best site out there really enjoy the material on it and really what to thank everyone involved with the site I look forward to sharing our recipes with each other and ideas Thank you all


Thatā€™s what got me hooked on the siteā€¦and then found out you can find out what you can make out of your flavorsā€¦thatā€™s flippin amazing!

Did you also know that you can stalkā€¦oops mean ā€œfollowā€ your favorite mixers? Oh, and you can do much more. I just want to overly blow ur mind.

Yes, I do know that :)Ithanks :slight_smile:

Right, before I found this site, I felt very lost and had no clue where to even begin, really. I have learnt more here in the last couple weeks, than I think months of googling around would have taught me. The people in my experience on here are very helpful and supportive, and the resources available are endless. I dont think I would be nearly as confident and ready for DIY feeling as I am if it werenā€™t for this site and all you amazing new friends of mine :slight_smile: thank you all and I canā€™t wait to put my newfound knowledge to the test in the weeks to come :slight_smile:


I looked at various sites before I began my journey of mixing and found I kept coming back here to check it out.
When I took the DIY plunge there was only one site for me and here I am!
I have learned so much from here and the people are friendly and very helpful.
I would highly recommend this site to anyone and to be honest I have never felt the need to join any other!
Hopefully I will get to a skill level that I can be of more help to anyone who needs it.
So a big thank you to everyone that contributes selflessly on here!

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