I just watched a youtube video on The Cartodryer, That was so cool, I want one…am I to late? Couldn’t find any info after a google search. I hate when that happens. Does anyone know where to find one?
Best thing to do is to ditch the cartomizers. They are vape tech from 3+ years ago.
Amen to that
My gf’s dad still uses cartos and I have tried many times to get him to try one of my set ups… he just refuses lol he likes his old set up… still uses a 15w vamo with old carto tank. meh… whatever works for him I guess. lol
I started vaping 6 years ago, and started with v4l, it’s an 808 thread battery with cartomizer. I have never even purchased from another vendor. It has worked so well for me that I’m afraid of trying anything else, especially when I read some of the articles here. What I mean by that is, they might as well be written in another language and I just feel more lost and stupid than anything else. I wouldn’t mind trying something else, but I have no idea what, and research only makes me more confused. Cartomizers are the most expensive part and I would love to replace them with something more affordable.
I can see where you are coming from and you will find most everyone has been there.Most all of us hate changes but when and if you are ready we will help you.
I still have some of my old cartos and do break them out for nostalgia at times but I have never tried any cleaners.
Hi Carol!
It doesn’t get more affordable than the old Kayfun Lite tank I’m using now-- costs about $10 for 6 months worth of wire for coils and cotton facial pads for wicks.
You’d have to learn some new skills, but it just takes a little practice. There are lots of videos demonstrating how to make coils and wick them.
And if you really want to save money, you’ve come to the right place… making your own ejuice makes the biggest difference in your vaping budget.
Unless you get hooked on collecting flavorings… like me…