The cost of DIY

Mixing is a GREAT way to pass the time and keep busy. Sometimes I feel like I fall into a time warp! I can sit down to mix a few things at noon and then look up and it’s 10 at night! Haha


I walked into a vape shop knowing nothing about vaping on May 15th of this year. Three months and it seems like I’ve been doing it forever. I thank God for giving us the strength to quit and I thank you guys for what I have learned


Keep doin whatcha doin brother!! I quit cigs 3 years ago after starting back up from another 3 year hiatus (long story) but now they physically make me sick! I can be driving down the interstate with my windows up and I can smell someone smoking a cigarette 10 cars/a mile ahead of me I’m so sensitive to them now! It’s a good feeling to know I’m 100% done with them, although I wish I didn’t get so sick by the smell of them but whatever I’ll take that over smoking them!


I’m not a forum guy…at all… but I was compelled to join ELR’s forum not only for the great information but for the WONDERFUL people here!! Seriously I have never seen a forum that is completely clear of all the drama, trolls and BS you get everywhere else! This is a great place and these are some great people! I have made a lot of friends in my short stay here so far, majority of them I would love to hang out with, if it wasn’t for the distance issues. It’s just something I don’t do and I’m glad I did.

@daath should be proud! He has put something wonderful together here


I am positive that he is the reason, (behind the scenes so to speak), that we are drama, troll, moron free. I 2nd, 3rd., and fourth your words. From the heart, thank you very much Daarth.



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I started DIY with Liquid Barns DIY kit. Cost me around 60 bucks with a discount and came with everything I needed to start mixing.

This video was how I came across them. Definitely recommend them, great customer service!

I agree. I use forums for every hobby and interest. I always read past posts and search to answer my questions, but it never ceases to amaze me how unhelpful some forums are when newbies ask questions. I like the drama free environment here and the helpful people. I was a member of the recipe section for only a few days before I donated via paypal. It’s places like this that deserve it. Thanks @daath



Glad you and the Mrs. are cool lol you had me going there for a sec.

Did you think I actually lost my marriage because of that? LOL sorry sometimes my dry humor doesn’t come through in text :wink: Nah we are still together but I definitely can’t say she is happy with my spending!!
But she supports what I do cause it brings me joy

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For a split second, yes. I did. You little trickster!


My marriage ended when she found me in bed with her 2 sisters not for vape purchases


NAAAAAH! See…there’s that dry humor again :wink:

She doesn’t even have any sisters…sadly…


Here is a cost saver. Buy this and this , mix 450ml of pg with 50ml of nicotine for half a liter of 100mg nicotine base. If my math is right (kinda weak on the subject), this would be about 1/3 the price of pre mixed 100mg base. Right?

DarthVapor3 … you funny

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