The cost of DIY

When I’m looking to buy hardware I always do a diligent search for the best deal, but realized that I’m not doing the same for ejuice flavors and supplies. Have been using RTS cause they have a good selection and just started defaulting to them as it was easy. When my last order came out to $63 shipped I did a direct comparison with Bull City. For the exact same order, shipped, the cost was $45.


I am a price comparison junkie. I can’t stand the thought that I could be getting something somewhere else for cheaper. LoL. I’ve got a list of prices from some of the major places for nicotine, PG/VG, and major flavor brands that helps when I’m planning my shopping lists. I always have to compare, though and make sure somewhere else doesn’t have a coupon running or a free ship offer or something like that, which makes them cheaper. :wink:


I’m stuck in Latvia and I can’t buy anything for DIY in local shops, so I’m forced to order everything online from other countries and pay HUGE delivery costs, which make everything double or even triple the price. Well, 10mls of my DIY juice are still below 1 EUR so it’s a win!


I figure my cost at 1 U.S. Dollar for 30 Mills. I think everyone should target that cost.

I buy 4 gallons of VG at a time from Amazon. Kosher is best IMHO. And most if not all 16 Ounce from Flavor Vendors.
Flavor Apprentice, Capella, E-Cig for Nicotine,

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4 Gallons of VG is way our to the range of general DIY folks
I use 44ml per 100ml for a 70/30 blend my consumption is about 7.5mg / Day
4 Gallons of VG would last me 12.5 Years
I use approx. 1200ml of VG per year this costs about £8 per 1000ml
My combined yearly PG and VG costs are less than the cost of 3 packs of cigarettes here in the UK

If I was buying my Ejuice at a B&M I would be spending approx £10 per day on juice as I go through 20-30ml a day and it would be costing me more to Vape than it was to smoke the icky sticks.

My average 100ml Ejuice cost to make as DIY is about £4.50 not including glass dropper bottles etc.

I also sell some of my juices to work colleagues and friends which covers my costs of DIY completely.

Some buy 30ml at a time others but 100ml at a time.

If I buy 10ml flavour concentrate bottles from a vendor they generally run me around £1.95 each with a slight discount for multiples and a coupon code.

I recently ordered 24oz of flavourings from TPA BULK and it averaged out including shipping to £0.53 per 10ml.

So buying in bulk your most used flavours definately helps to reduce your costs.


9/10 the amount that I spend on any one order at a time, reflects the cost of free shipping with any 1 vendor. Which is normally $60 when it comes to flavorings and equipment and $100 when it comes to nicotine.
While I cannot say cost is not an issue, in this past year I have been making purchases whenever I can, not out of necessity, but out of addiction :wink: I pretty much try and spend any extra cash that I have buying flavorings and equipment, which I validate in my head by telling myself it could be worse, it could be a crack or heroin addiction.
All in all I think it’s pretty safe to say that the cost of DIY has been my marriage…I am now starting the very first VA clinic in Sarasota, FL and no I’m not speaking of Veterans Affairs. Vulnerability Assessment? No but close… Vaper’s Anonymous…in the hopes I can help others wean their addiction to a much more manageable state before they sell off their assets, children and home to buy the next new big thing or flavorings they do not need or will ever use. There may not be any hope left for me…but if I can save just 1…I’ll feel a little better about myself…

Hey did anyone see the new Tesla mods??


The TESLA TC 200w.

No not seen it at all lol.



It’s like I say to the wife every time my Vape Mail arrives.

“Hey this cost me the same as smoking stinkies for a week!”



Yeah all joking aside my wife is really cool about it. Like I said before, some people out there spend there money on a lot more terrible things. She’s very supportive, not only because I gave up the stinkies but I have found a hobby I am extremely passionate about and brings me joy. The only thing I wish is that she vaped herself! There’s nothing like striking gold when making a recipe and not having anyone here to enjoy it with or show it to. Shit some of my best juices have been her idea!


I share my juices with my sister and with Shay my daughter. If they really like it, I will make them a 120 or 240 ml bottle. Shay works in a vape shop and helped me with my first setup which helped me eventually quit cigarrettes. As for cost…Uh. could I get directions to that clinic and meeting times. LOL


I’m thinking this will be a 24 hour facility 7 days a week open all holidays…


I get a little out of control ordering flavors and good nic. I was stockpiling nic for a while but I have backed off lately. I’ve been remodeling a house so most of my money has been poured into that the last couple of months.


Do you have a hotline set up yet, LOL


Evertime I go to set one up, I end up spending the money on more flavorings!!


Stockpiling nic is my next big step, I always go in with the plan to do so but again I downgrade to like a liter and spend the difference on other things! Grrrr
I’m waiting for the next big sale though and then I’m going to drop a good chunk


Awesome about the Vapors Anonymous I’ve already done the 1st step. I admit I am powerless over flavor and that my life and flavor bottles have become (somewhat) unmanageable.

Just to be clear I maybe using AA to get a laugh but it has saved and continues to support many addicts of all types.

The positive thing about an addiction to anything related to vaping is, I hope, there isn’t a continued addiction to cigarettes.
Did that make sense? It’s early Good Morning guys!


Yeah it was all in jest, I didn’t mean to take anything away from AA. They have helped a lot of people and it was because of this fact I made the joke


Oh me to, actually said something to that effect " I am in deep people, is there a VA" … the other day… Hehe Guess we both feel like we might have bought a few too many flavors.

It’s really has been great for me, it has given me something to do when I have nothing else for myself, mid life crisis kind of time in my life… Kids are gone, didn’t have a career I don’t regret it because I got great kids, sorta…lol I am just bored to death and looking for “my thing”.


Too funny. As I’m reading through this thread I know I’m addicted for certain. But, but , but… . I realize that I’m addicted to all of you It’s the truth. I can’t get enough of this forum.