The Custom Flavoring Brainstorm

I would like to ear some of your train of thought on custom flavors. Receipe, carriers, dilutant’ methods of preparation and storage. Anyone who has some experience with the flavor making or just to experiment with e-liquid. Stones and existing flavor mix too are counted in. Just a topic to brainstorm about it.

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If you’re into creating new flavors from flavor molecules, there’s a subreddit for that:

Lots of interesting stuff there - And there are a few vendors that sell flavor molecules.

/r/DIY_eJuice also has some posts about extracting flavoring from stuff. Here’s a good one (from the sidebar):


that is a pretty interesting post i might just start some flavors tonight just to see.

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For me stones are very simple. I personally think it’s a waste unless it can be used in several different mixes though. I find any flavor combination that you find yourself repeating over several mixes is a good candidate for a stone. Say if you find yourself using a 3 or more creams in combination to get the desired flavor or feel across several recipes, you just adapt the recipe and delete all but the creams and make a flavor base from what is left… leaving you with a creamstone that can be used in other mixes without always weighing those flavors individually. I have found myself making several stones lately. For one it’s predictable because you know what the flavor is… and second, it save mixing time by weighing 1 flavor instead of 3 or more.