Only other way I see to correct this in the short term: Add the flavors to your stash in all variations from the same manufacture.
Peach (TPA)
Peach (TFA)
Peach (tfa)
Peach (tpa)
I chose peach in this instance because there’s not one just to show you the difference in the variation.
And the only way I see to actually correct this where there’s no duplicated flavors is to have a hard coded database that gives a selection rather than letting individuals add what ever flavor they may have which circumvents this site to a point. Making people submit flavors to be added to the database and they would need to be approved before being able to be used, which is counter productive and a ton more work.
With this program I went through and removed all the flavors in the built in database added all of my own flavors along with pricing so that I’m able to calculate the cost including the bottles, flavors, PG, VG, & Nic. Every recipe I make that I keep on ELR I also put into the stand alone program. The same could be done with the spreadsheet version, but it was more complicated to add in all the flavors with the spreadsheet when I can add each flavor once and not have to take additional steps to add that same flavor.
That’s not really necessary - While sometimes you might get a few recipes from that, we regularly merge duplicate/bogus flavorings in to the correct one (which in this case would be “Peach (TPA)” - which in this case is exactly the same as “Peach (tpa)”)…
You know you can calculate cost with ELR - that is excluding the bottle though
I have 108 flavors, most of them pretty common (from what I can tell) and from TPA, Cap, FW, and FA. It says I can make 384 including singles, 237 not including singles, and 66 of them are my own. Considering you have over twice as many as me @Josephine_van_Rijn, you’d think you would have twice as many recipes. But, @Jondamon has less than half the amount of flavors I do and he can make almost as many recipes as I can. I imagine it is just a matter of what flavors you have, how people have combined them, the number of private recipes, etc.
Pfff, I’m glad to hear that. I didn’t really fancy doing that with all my flavours. Already spend hours putting numbers on all my flavours for quick find in my stash, daath style!
[quote=“daath, post:22, topic:24480”]
I agree - That is a suspiciously low number!
[/quote]Glad to hear that too, so I’m not crazy after all!
It says I can make 356 including single flavour recipes but… I will give you an example;Three Castles II : Check cookies
3.5% Gold for Pipe (INAWERA)
1% MTS Vape Wizard (FA)
2% Oba Oba (FA)
4% Vanilla Custard v1 (CAP)
1.5% Virginia (FA)
Flavor total: 12%
Remember to rate it at: Check cookies
I have all those flavours from the same vendors, so it should show up in what can I make, but it doesn’t.
So all the explanations just don’t fly, there is something wrong somewhere.
I’m starting to suspect that all the recipes I should be able to make show up in the list of people with only 40 flavours just to make them feel good and leave me
Oh, it said Oba Oba (Flavourart), I got it printed so I just checked. It say FA now in my stash and Three Castles does show up now. The rest of my flavours are all listed as CAP, FA, TPA. FW, LA, only Inawera shows up like Inawera. Do I have to change that in INW to get more hits? I still only get 360 recipes that I can make.
No, Inawera is Inawera Still a fairly low amount of recipes for so many flavorings - It might just be a coincidence that so few of them are used together… Still a bit odd! I just had a skim at my code, and I couldn’t find any errors in it (which is good, because I used an insane amount of time on it!).
Plus there are only 422 public recipes with Inawera! That might what brings your number down - you have like 38 of them, right?
Well, don’t sweat it, I roam around on ELR and find recipes via other routes. Thanks for the effort anyway!
I will just have to mixup a shit load of recipes of my own
[quote=“daath, post:32, topic:24480”]
you have like 38 of them, right?
[/quote]No, only 30, are you in the complot with @Jimk and @Pro_Vapes to get me to buy more flavours? You know, the ones that are to die for!
Yea, now you can. I was using that program before you added that feature and haven’t went back in and added all the pricing options from my previous purchase orders
Are all 4 of those not the same? TFA = The Flavor Apprentice and TPA = The Perfumers Apprentice — which are both the same at least I have not found that they are 2 different companies. I get what you’re saying and right after I posted that I went into the options for suggestions and found 5 or 6 different versions of Juicy Peach. What ends up happening is a huge time consumption of combining duplicates which would all be eliminated with a single source database, but then you end up doing about the same thing maintaining it by adding individual flavors.
Well let us know how we can help with that.
My solution has been to put in all the variations of the same flavor. I also put in other brands of the same flavor because I want to be able to substitute if I do the research and find out the flavors are similar. Also when putting in flavors I’ll type in Bavarian Cream for example and it shows the bavarian cream by tfa with only 100 or so recipes using it, so ill type bavarian cream tfa, bavarian cream tpa and keep try til i see the one with 10000 recipes using it, kinda frustrating.
All and all very time consuming but I’d be glad to be of help any way I can. Maybe before someone tries to add a new recipe it has to be approved? idk anything about how internets work