The Revel RDTA by EhPro Review

My thanks go out to Anita at GearBest for sending me this tank to review !

Ok guys I’ve never been really one for dripping,anyone who knows me knows I’m a tank guy . I do own a few drippers and like them a lot , mostly for testing new juice mixes but I can appreciate the flavor they provide .
Lately I’ve been getting bored with the barrage of new subohm tanks , which is why this RDTA really caught my eye. Anyone who isn’t familiar with what an RDTA is it’s basically a dripper base with a tank on top that feeds juice down to the coils through small holes via a plunger on top of the tank.
Now Ehpro has been putting out some great stuff for quite a while like the Billow and most recently the Billow v2 so The Revel probably didn’t get the attention it deserved .
Little known by Ehpro was the Pontus which was there first attempt at an RDTA which wasn’t received well by many but loved by some . The Revel has taken some of those flaws and fixed them and from what I can tell has given us another great option instead of just the ole " tank or dripper" scene!


Stainless Steel and Pyrex Glass Construction
Adjustable Airflow Control
Single and dual coil capability
Top spring loaded juice flow control
2.5 ml Juice capacity

What’s in the Box?

In the box of course you get your RDTA , a bag of replacement o-rings , some kanthal( looks to be 26-28 g , some wick , and the instruction manual. What isn’t and should be in the box is some good organic cotton and a replacement glass tank section ( which all tanks should come with ) .

First Impression

After opening the package i could smell no trace of machine oil which to me is always a good sign , makes me feel like the company is paying attention to details in regards to quality control. I also found no burrs and the threads are buttery smooth with no sharp edges. I really love the fill/dripping screw because they have knurling on them and you can screw/unscrew them with your fingers. So far so good !


So the deck on the Revel is like your run of the mill dripper ,it’s a three post design with a shallow juice well that is reasonably generous for building on .

I wrapped two micro coils with 26 g kanthal that came out to .38 ohms and wicked it as I would a regular dripper . I vaped it until the wick was nearly dry (great flavor and airflow)and pushed down on the tip( plunger) and took a vape …back in business! One push on the plunger releases two ( sometimes 3 ) drops directly onto the coil through the drip screws which seemed to get me about 3 rich vapes before it dried out again . Generally when the wick is almost dry I found 3 good pushes on the plunger would be good enough to last me 10 good pulls .

Second test I tried a single coil build,which you have to replace one of the drip screws with the hole less screw that is provided. This time I used 28 g tempered ni200 which came out to .12 ohm and threw into my Ipv4 and it vaped just as good if not better .
It’s fair to say that I’m impressed with the performance of this unit. The dripping mechanism feels good and works perfectly and the fact you can use this in single or dual coil makes it a great choice for anyone dabbling in temp control. I should also mention that the tank and drip tip never seem to get too hot .
My only gripe would be that when using the plunger you put your thumb on the mouthpiece which is kind of unsanitary! I have just been using my chin which has garnered a few weird looks from my wife !


I love the look of this tank ! This is the black version , it also comes in stainless steel which looks very sharp as well . The tank section is reinforced by a metal inner support which makes it feel very sturdy . The glass itself is nice and thick and it sits on top of the heat fins which seem to work and look cool at the same time. The name Revel is printed nicely in the top cap and I think the name is fitting given that it means to take great pleasure or delight and I have been taking great pleasure in vaping it !
Probably the only thing I don’t like on this tank is the drip tip. I find it is too long and makes the tank look stretched .


I think EhPro hit a home run with The Revel. It brings the convenience of a tank and the airflow and flavour of a dripper together into one harmonious package. It runs great in both dual and single coil mode and is perfect setup for nickel builds as well . I’ve been speaking with friends about looking for hidden gems instead of the most popular offerings that have sprung up lately including those from EhPro and this is certainly one ! I’ve gained a respect for this company as they produce quality products at fair prices and seem to think a bit more outside the box than a lot of others out there . I also just love saying the company name cause I’m a Canadian ! I didn’t realize that it stands for E health Pro lol
Would i recommend The Revel ? 100% , I love this thing ! I’ve been vaping this non stop for a week now and I recently purchased a Goliath that I’ve barely used cause this things rocks !

Thanks for reading and if you want to get one of these babies you an grab one here from GearBest at a great price!

Use this code to drop the price to 27.99


@Mixedup1 Great reveiw!

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Good job as usual.

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I should also thank Daath for going back and touching up some of my mistakes haha


looks innocent

I just thought that it looked better with an ELR-supporting GearBest link :smiley:


I think this tank with some of your crazy claptons would be insane …I can’t put this thing down !

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Awesome review! EHPro does put out some quality atomizers, no doubt. I looked at this a few times as a purchase, but I have a couple of Big Drippers, so I gave the Revel a miss. However, after reading this review, looks like they blow the BD out of the water, as far as performance is concerned. The BD just doesnt have the A+ juice delivery system of the Revel. I have to push the plunger on the BD like 15 times to really wet the wicks; disappointing and a lot of work! Things have progressed quite a bit since the BD and earlier RDTA’s, but I’m pretty much on the auto-juice feed tank train these days and not planning on changing any time soon…lazy that way.


I’m a tank guy too but it’s the flavor and airflow of this thing that got me . I like the qualities of a dripper but hate dripping ! So this thing just makes sense . The feeding system works perfect , and as of yet I haven’t over dripped but I could see it happening if you got plunge happy


Great review. I want this. I must have it.
I don’t care for the run of the mill RTAs because of the precise wicking needed. I’m too easily frustrated, but this one looks like it’s perfect. Love the liquid delivery system and that it comes in black. Win win.

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I love it , works amazing . All I would suggest is that if your going to throw it in your pocket don’t forget to close the airflow control or vape it till it’s nearly dry

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I got mine today and fell in love with this dang rdta! I bought it because of your review. Thanks so very much.

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I love mine too!! Flavour is insane !!

I’m going to throw some titanium in it sometime this week …could be epic

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