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I Agree most people aren’t even aware if their not paying attention just like they missed the Flavor n mail bans.Any mention of it peaks ones interest so I dint see the harm in posting even a sentence about it…i don’t quite get throwing shade about it and how is as bad as the law makers themselves? Bizarre comment by session drummer :joy:


I wasn’t throwing shade just asking a somewhat rhetorical question, you know? No offense meant. I’m sorry if it seemed as though I were being snarky. :blush:


Nah my bad I was fired up about my Braves but they won the WSeries and Ufc fights tonight :joy: My bad don’t mind me ok sorry


You’re good. I was just trying to figure out what I did :sweat_smile: I do my best to not offend or upset anyone on here, it threw me for a loop. :blush::+1: