The Vape Tax subject is back in question! Please sign and share!


(or didn’t want to follow the link and read the summary…:smirk:)

It’s an increase on vaping liquid and other non cigarette nicotine products that is being snuck BACK into to the Build Back Better plan… again.

One that is ridiculously high. In my mind, those like myself, that switched to vaping to reduce costs and harm to themselves and their household members, (THEN switched to DIY to save even more) will pretty much be forced to switch back to analogs!


Is there a summary? As law graduate , theological advisor and unitarian consultant. Well, there is no clear point or aim other than an appeal to vapers.

Give us a summary of what is at stake: Just a link is almost as bad as feeding all those who appose vaping.


If we view this as mature adults, then we examine all the points and conclude a response.

The ‘this is wrong and you must tick a box’ model is as empty as all the lobbying politics we hate.

Define, state, and model.

(I didn’t expect to restate basic rhetoric today.)



Hehe, click the link, and read, THAT’S why she posted it. Just NOT clicking the link and not reading, is just as bad. Put all that schoolin’ to work.

Following months of debate and wooing extreme members of Congress, the proposed federal excise tax (FET) on nicotine is being added back into the funding bill for President Biden’s so-called Build Back Better plan.

Notably, instead of raising taxes on combustible tobacco products, the new language imposes a new tax on nicotine (synthetic or derived) that is equivalent to the tax on cigarettes ($50.33 per 1,810 milligrams of nicotine).


For those of you who are not law graduates, theological advisors, and unitarian consultants, let me break it down for you. RE-read …


Work the numbers people…

If the Build Back Better bill passes with the nicotine tax language, the law would establish a federal tax on vaping products for the first time: $50.33 per 1,810 milligrams of nicotine, or 2.8 cents/mg. It would essentially double or triple the price of most bottled e-liquid, and it would apply to both tobacco-derived and synthetic nicotine.

The price of a 60 milliliter bottle of 12 mg/mL e-liquid would increase by $20. A 30 mL bottle of 50 mg/mL nicotine salts would jump by more than $40. And a liter of 100 mg/mL DIY nicotine—which typically costs less than $100—would increase by $2,780.


Thank you @SessionDrummer! I couldn’t have stated it better or more succinctly, myself!

It’s an increase on vaping liquid and other non cigarette nicotine products that is being snuck BACK into to the Build America Better plan… again.

One that is ridiculously high. In my mind, those like myself, that switched to vaping to reduce costs and harm to themselves and their household members, (THEN switched to DIY to save even more) will pretty much be forced to switch back to analogs!

Not a good look, Biden… NOT a good look, at all!


@Wombatred26 I’d LOVE IT, if someone could dispute this, but I’m going to suggest, it is one of MANY.


But unfortunately in the states the people have no say. You can fight, sign petitions etc but they are the voted reps and they say what happens. He was voted by god knows who (Mostly derelict idiotic americans) but the way democrats run the country its more about taking care of there own. We seen it with obama and clinton now you see it with biden. Democrats want you smoking not vaping so all their tobacco lobbyists can make there money again. So many states have taken future loans on tobacco tax and because vaping has boomed they can’t pay it back. By taxing e-liquids like cigarettes the states that owe money will be able to finally payback the loans.


Stock up, if you haven’t already.


biden can’t even wipe his ass, pelosi is on the way out. democrats are divided. just this morning a democrat legislator called the nic tax crazy.
i think the nic tax will be pulled from the bill. Joe Biden: “My Butt’s Been Wiped” - YouTube


Agreed but this link gives you the opportunity to send a message to your elected officials and representatives, as well. It’s worth a shot if it gives them another view point to mull over, is it not? It’s not just a petition…


I signed the last one. Of the three Reps it got sent to, only one responded, basically saying that since it was sent from a form he wouldn’t read it. But, would I like to sign up for his newsletter? You wouldn’t read mine, why should I read yours? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


They dont care. No matter what you try to say they are going to do whats in their best interest. Thats politics for you


Please Stick to the Topic and Keep all other political opinions , posts , links etc out of thread. This is an important thread that needs to remain open .


It is not a political opinion it is fact :man_shrugging:t2: Is this tax not politically motivated. It is all about recouping money states lost on futures loans of the tobacco industry. It is all true facts. It is far then an opinion. And it is the truth local congressman don’t care what the public wants.


Dropping this link again from the OP.


Yes and thank you for posting this. I stopped to look this over because I was getting ready to post a petition here about something else. Thx for caring.


Always!! I try to care, all the time!


Thank you and done! I’ll spread this around.


I didn’t mean to make it sound like I didn’t intend to sign it this time around. I most likely will get sent another email asking me to sign up for that Rep’s newsletter. But on the off chance the other two Reps read it and just didn’t respond is more than worth it.