I think the creator went to the trouble of requesting permission to repost from a few peopl he was familiar with: We got the go ahead from a few reviewers: /u/T_Mace, /u/ConcreteRiver, /u/ChemicalBurnVictim, /u/PerennialPhilospher, & /u/mlNikon. To copy their reviews over to the wiki and we began that process with T_Mace, PerennialPhilosopher, & mlNikons library of reviews

@MysticRose You are 1 of 5 people I actually have in my account who I follow… I think you made a serious impression on me quite early on.

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Awwwww, thank you :blush:

I’m glad something I shared was able to help!

I am extremely thankful to the family that is ELR that has taught me most of what I know. That is what is important in the long run, that we all share whatever knowledge we have to help others stop smoking, NOT for recognition and to be part of the “in” crowd. At the end of the day, we are all just ex-smokers that have found a way to stop killing ourselves quite as fast :smiley:

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It’s all about educational information dissemination and myth dispelling for me these days.

I thought I started with a Juul (promo gift from PAX at a Pride event I was volunteering for) to kick the habit. But instead I became interested in learning more about the longterm effects of what I was doing. After a few months a friend came over to my place and asked if I got rid of my cat- guess I wasn’t paying attention to the stench of analogs.

Took a year for me to progress to Innokin’s CoolFire IV 100TC. Lived with that one mod and tank for a year still fairly doing it all alone (1 buddy saw me through the 1st two weeks on the Juul while we enjoyed Maui, but other than that, I really had no support group)…

… then I found the community… as I began to think about getting a mod with 18650’s. More time passed and my little folly has turned into a hobby. I decided to explore it more with DIY. Today I have a half dozen mods, many tank/rda/rta’s and near 140 flavors to play with. I rewarded myself for stopping Marlboro 27’s on my 27th month of vaping with a Triade and it’s cousin the Prism. Those two triple battery mods get more use than any of my others.

I Vaped a Vet last month after he wanted to take a close look at my mod last Sept. I used that opportunity to have him commit to a quit date. Extended my vocabulary some to ensure the gear I was choosing for him would meet his needs and so far so good. Closed Pods didn’t take hold for him. The eliquid I made woke him up to all the impactful flavor he hadn’t yet experienced. He’s still on the iCare 2 but is near ready to crack open his Finder 75c and one of the MTL tanks I gave him… with batteries, a charger and the entire deck of cards. Vet’s and the LGBTQIA+ community have some of the highest smoking rates in the country. We need to ensure word reaches them effectively.

Another buddy is just packing to move home to GA in a few days. I’ve set him up with my starter gear. Glad it’s found a new home and all those coils bought in advance are set to purpose.

As the FDA stuff starts to gel in the minds of the masses… things like TheFlavorWiki might help us reach more people. I know many of us refuse to give up the dicetyls but my Vet insists things like that are not in the eliquid I make for him. I would hope the FDA uses it’s head and bans things like that before arbitrarily banning flavors. Makes no sense. Vanilla, menthol, nuts, and caramels have been used along with many other things in the 1,700 chemicals of analogs. It’s the variety of flavors which allows each person to find his own ADV satisfaction when transitioning- that’s why vaping’s success rate exceeds traditional NRT’s.

If TheFlavorWiki can do one thing for us, it can provide all the information we need to show others regarding flavorings. Let that one site bear the burden of inspection covering all the manufacturers specs and without any discourse on ancillary issues like battery safety, people under 18-21 years or cloud chasing (I’m not an expert at clouds and tricks, but I must say I do enjoy letting a 6 foot cloud be seen by my friends… no one complains and a few understand the pleasure I get from it).

Have a productive day. I’ve taken up far too much of your time already. Has a custard reached full bloom while you read this? Perhaps.


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I don’t really understand why you’re so focussed on this flavorwiki though…
You’re trying to make such a hard case for it I almost have to believe you’re somehow involved with this site and try to get people going on it.

ELR is a tight and always growing community, we all love ELR, the people as well as all the resources this site provides and while it’s not perfect, it’s about the best we can currently get. In my opinion, people would be much more motivated to build on this platform, make this a better place where more information is easier available than to take everything somewhere else and lead people away from this great site.


You created a topic that tries to send people from ELR to another site… maybe people don’t like that enough to give you those likes?
Just drop a nice reply somewhere in a topic and you’ll get your likes, lots of people here are very generous with their likes but of course, to get to 10, it has to be a nice reply :smiley:
Same thing with topics or creating a thread… come up with something the community thinks is interesting, fun, cute, innovating or whatever and those likes will be coming in.

I’m sure with all your mixology expertise, you can come up with something that will earn you all those likes. Maybe post some of your recipes in threads like What ya vaping/mixing today


Just stumbled onto it this week and thought it curious that I didn’t see anything here about it. For one of my volunteer projects (I’m on LTD and do not work, on or off the books ever) I’ve beed tasked with updating a few Wikipedia pages (not related as far as I can tell except they both have use the term WikiMedia). I wouldn’t call keeping my eye on something and investigating it more for just over 1 day it overly focussed… I’ve also been making a few SFV testers and changed my linens in addition to catching up with a binge of Scandal and HTGAWM and Designated Survivor… this thread has taken all of about 45 minutes of my year.

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That already exists on elr in each flavor page, including links to the msds sheets for each flavor. Some of the newer flavors are still getting data input

And the recipe site also is strictly related to flavorings and not cloud chasing or anything. Only the forums have additional topics.

I think the main failure of people participating in the flavor wiki is that its not user friendly. Most users don’t understand how to use the formatting, nor care to learn all the symbols and parenthesis etc.

The same thing already exists in the ELRecipes recipe side, and no special characters or formatting needed. I personally wouldn’t waste my time inputting all that information when I can just look it up and already start reading. The caveat to that is that a lot of people aren’t inputting their notes. But it is much faster to Ctrl A C and V to carry over already completed reviews than to have to rewrite them in code.


Slight derail but still on topic.

@MysticRose thank you for all you do with flavor notes (here and everywhere and everybody for that matter). Love ya lots (platonically of course. Not in an awkward way). :heart_eyes:


the flavors that include DAAP are a big part for many , personally id rather see bans on the naming of eliquids and illustration on bottles from the fda instead of attacking the great cream/ custard flavors that are left

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That’s the definitive summary response I was looking for… Yeah or Nay and why. Thank you for the reply. The wiki can tend to itself.

@Ckemist Perhaps you might weigh in here and let us know why your website has chosen to include The Flavor Wiki link in the opening toolbar dropdown menu.

The creator has basically stepped away from it and it likely will become an orphan unless someone chooses to resurrect interest. What do you see from your perspective regarding it’s usefulness to people who visiting your page?

From reddit:
"Thank you for all the support guys, but without contributers I think the efforts are sort of going to the wayside. Me along many other people have put a great deal of effort into the site, but it seems as though there’s limited appeal to contribute information. Which probably goes into the fact that I never got down into the nitty gritty of simplifying the user interface for people adding content.

But anyways, assuming it continues to have no contributions I don’t see it lasting."

im really not trying to be rude and honestly i was wondering why the comments were what they are , but then i really looked at the flavor wiki and i think your really beating a dead horse that things is horrible and dont know why anyone who is a part of anything established like elr would spend any time on this Flavor wiki , sorry to say , however i do wonder why you @mrphilip are so determined or so interested in it ? im really curious , i can see a website like ckemist linking to it and i wonder if he linked to it in the begining of his website just to get more traffic. ( which wld be smart to kink everythi ng he was able to )? i could completely understand why he would but now that his site is up and successful he probably has no use to link the flavor wiki , anyway i honestly dont see why anyone would spend much time on that site while we have this and others have their places like DOD , Reddit, ATF etc sorry if i came across rude , i dont see much benefit


As a Group we have visualized this concept in various ways. If I could wave a magic wand and something like the Flavor Bible → Flavor Wheel could be instantly available it might be the most valuable resource imaginable …if done correctly.

All the data is available, just not collated in an immediately visually-easy-to-grasp-and-apply Web format. I’m estimating about 10,000 hours. I can jump right on this and I’ll only charge you $150/hr which is a bargain! …because my imagined end result would be “Historically-Minds-Blown” for the e-Juice DIY Community.

Anyone mixing flavors of any kind, including actual Culinary applications, would be able to gain immediate traction, creatively speaking, when trying to clone something or make something new. Imagine being able to instantly know what flavors (Vendors too) work together (or against) and at what %? …it could happen, and it’s creators would Rule the Kingdom.

A simple Data dump isn’t going to cut it. The secret is Usability and Adoption and your stated desire will not deliver above what already exists, and what we all use, which is an extremely manual filtration of the existing raw data right here on ELR.

A full blown analysis of Flavor Additives …what they are alone, and how they may pair would be a lifetime achievement …Wiki? …sincere best of luck. It’s great to have an inspired idea, delivering the end product is Next Level and almost always requires Big$$. I’m here for ya tho Brofessor! Aim high! …I’m just keeping it :100: (+$/hr) Seriously tho, it is a good idea I think about all the time …and then choose to do something profitable instead.

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First off I apologize for reviving a dead forum topic here, secondly thank you MRA for your understanding of where I was heading with project.

As with all the other comments which accurately describe the problems of the project. Working with HerrHut & KraftyKiwi we did get a lot done. There are probably about 2000 or more concentrates on there and that was really the problem. Mediawiki, the software isn’t really designed well as a database, using plugins we were able to add some database functionality for pulling information and being able to show information in very cool ways. HerrHut did an amazing job with a prototype that allowed for some very in depth and complex relationships with how the pages could interact, but due to my own mismanagement and poor focus those features were quickly dropped. Cool things like being able to show you flavor concentrates that have a lot of volatiles that other flavor concentrates had.

And also including built in MSDS information in every concentrate.

On adding tools to store and query information there still wasn’t really a good way to update or remove or move information, it was very much a pain to do any small maintenance across multiple concentrates. So all of it fell together as any change got just ridiculous to do.

I saw some people mention the main flavors should at least be filled out, and very true they should be and we did get a few main ones very well detailed and nicely formatted, but you clear 2 and boom 2000 more to go.

Also additionally the information we had available we were able to pull off reddit, with the original reviewers permission. /u/MysticRose, I believe I remember requesting your permission thinking specifically that at the time you were putting out a lot of Purlium reviews that I enjoyed reading, I think we just ended up using a handful of reviewers as test case due to how reviews were formatted. Your reviews were definitely “on the list” so to speak. It’s just that I didn’t do a great job directing or planning or managing, so that list would multiply in size every single day.

So anyways, I apologize for all the wasted energy on the project, as MRA mentioned I actually no longer vape as it was really negatively affecting my throat, and just recently I was able to completely rid myself of the want to smoke. Plus extra work I’ve been doing on a local music scene project, along with building a family, all my time for this project fell apart. And now at this point I actually will likely not have the money to keep the server up and running.

Thank you guys though for your good wishes and support in one way or another. and hopefully someday I can get some of you to paint the next fence I build, hopefully a more well managed fence at that.

EDIT: Also just wanted to mention that one of the key goals of the project was to be able to present health information simply to news organizations, instead of just saying “vape oil bad stuff” they could read a page that taught them about the finer details of volatiles and how they’ve been discovered to affect some people, like weird allergies to some volatiles, or weird histories like fructose & FW Yellow Cake, DAAPs and that.



Best wishes and good luck :+1:


Looks like you had quite a bit of happy things happen to you during that time so congrats , life comes first . Sorry you didnt have the time to complete your project it seems the intentions were positive ones … Take care and GL to you


Thank you for giving us more background that I had seen elsewhere. The use of your picket fence for media organizations is a bold aspiration. Have you tried to reach them directly and suggest they do just that (for a feature report likely to be produced when the FDA finally does come to some decision on the inclusion of flavorings in e-liquid). While you may no longer vape, your project can live a full life and that credit to your CV would be noteworthy. Such media attention not just informs but drives traffic to the site which in turn hopefully helps build its even further.

On your throat having a bad reaction: was it an allergy to the PG that some people have also mentioned being a concern. I’m glad it was an effective tool to help you become quit from smoking. That alone is another reason media might find your project interesting.

I’m not going to suggest you try a MAX VG recipe to see if it makes a difference, but if you were to do that, a test without nicotine might be harmless. You could use one of the VG based flavors to go 100% VG if you know it was the PG.

IF IT WAS SOMETHING ELSE AND YOU THINK MORE PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT IT PLEASE READ US IN FURTHER. 95% Safer Alternative to Smoking is Great. You might hold the answer to what one part of the 5% is.

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@Tiptup300 thanks for the share. I have no worries you’ll do great in the future as it seems you have what it takes to be an Entrepreneur. I hope I didn’t sound too snarky, but I’ve been Self-employed with various Business ideas for many years. First you have to be creating what they’re buying, and have the ability to take it from a Grand idea through the Granularity of making it real to enough $$ to float the boat …Boy, that’s an oversimplification.

Throw in a Significant Other and some babies? …and that creative process, and all else fades in importance. Maybe it’s not quite time? Maybe you learned TONS of weakest links in that Creative -> Real delivery. Maybe you could just Consult on the future project adopted by someone else? So keep those connections. Hey? You no longer inhale aerosols …Congrats~! That alone makes it easy to understand why you’re no longer fascinated by the project …and fascination is a requirement!

While it would be unwise to try and sustain a business that’s not profitable, you may find someone keen to pick up the mantle. I specialize in reverse engineering these type integrations, and it’s nightmarish, if not impossible, to figure out a system that’s been cobbled together with a bunch of hot-fixes and workarounds. However, you could be key to someone else with a 7-figure backing going from A-Z with all you have already completed …successes and fails.

I’ll sell you the name :wink: "Flavor Kingdom"© LoL …because that what it would be! …no wait …FlavBook© ! Hahha Best of luck in your future endeavors!

Have your people call my people (j/k!)

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