I have been thinking about this for a while now. Vaping has helped me quit smoking. How can I help others quit too.
Yesterday on Facebook Jennifer Jarvis posted this.
flavour Arts is holding a contest to find tobacco recipes to help others quit. Now this is restricted to FA flavor’s. I think we could do better. Opening up to all MFG’s of tobacco, menthol’s, nuts, additives whatever you got and post them here to help others quit.
No. Only FA for their contest. I would like to open it up to all products in this thread so any one who needs it will have access to it to stop smoking.
That’s for the FA contest. If you have a recipe that you think can help someone stop smoking. This thread is the place to post it. This thread is open to to any tobacco that is your version of a commercial cigarette.
I have a crap load of tabacco flavors. If I do a search of my flavors hardly anything comes back. Nothing on many search’s.
If I can’t find what I’m looking for a new user wouldn’t go beyond it. Tobacco is not popular and hard to work with to get a comp flavor.
Apost yesterday on FB was looking for a Marboul light menthol. I had to direct them to a accomplished mixers thread on the other side of the site. It should be easier.
I read you forums post from 2017. Very interesting. Never thought so many people quit by finding nontobacco flavors. I change up but keep coming back to tobaccos.
Yea most of them do quit with unicorn/mother milk, strawberries and cream. I always turn back to a tobacco type flavour because of the kick that some of them give me.