Yes, I’m moving up in the vaping community, I’ve got a flavour JimK hasn’t got!
When I win the lottery, I’m gonna start ordering from these guys!
You will have to win the lottery to order from there. $9.00 for 5 ml is no catpiss. Looks delicious though. Cognac infused cigars or Raven, Yum.
This is the one I really want!
Oh, I want. I had missed that one. Always were a king Arthur fan, well actually more of a Merlin fan so Excalibur would suit me fine. I better start playing the lottery.
Thanks for the recommendation my good man.
Thanks Jim, I’ll give it a try. I’m working on a few new recipes myself, will make them public as soon as I see how they come out. Meanwhile, one of my very favorite vapes is Cowboy Blend that I buy from Slim’s E-Juice.
Looks delightful! I’m experimenting with some lighter vapes as of late. Just published my Queen Anne’s Revenge. It’s tasty!
Hey guys i would like to get me some baco but i have never ventured in the region anybody can tip me up on a good Captain black gold type aroma .
@JimK is our resident tobacco guy and I’m sure he can lead you in the right direction. I’m still trying to figure it out myself.
Has anyone tried Slim’s Cowboy Blend? I love that stuff, and have been trying to duplicate it. My taste buds being what they are, it’s difficult, but it seems I’m getting a sweet grassy after taste when I vape it. Any ideas what may be in it? I’m thinking Virginia, but there has to be more than that.
This is when I wished people could see what flavors you have in your stash @daath.
@Ohm_IGod, Yes, I can recommend some tobacco flavors to you, if you are looking for that type flavor. Most of my mixes have some type of tobacco flavor included. The most recent mixes have been using the Inawera “for Pipe” collection. With no reservation whatsoever, I can say, buy them all! They are, without a doubt, some of the most satisfying tobacco flavors I have come across to date.
I’m going to have to do like @Pro_Vapes does, and make a “recipe” with listing just tobaccos or just flavors from a particular vendor or just flavors of a particular taste to make the organization of my flavors easier to access visually. Perhaps on a “rainy day” I can devote some time to that task. For now, all I can say is look at some of my recent recipes and go from there.
But for now, three words: Inawera…for…pipe! Check out the Inawera thread on ELR as well, it’s growing every day!
Short answer: Inawera Dark for Pipe or Black for Pipe will get you there.
Have ever tried Hangsen tobaccos? I read a lot of stuff on ECF. Some saying it’s the only Tobacco they use.
I’ve started working on this, just for you Mostly because it’s a task that doesn’t require much
I’ll let you guys know when it’s done!
I think I got him off that, didn’t I? Use the filter input on your stash page - enter “inawera” or “for pipe” and instantly everything else is filtered away
Thx! Feel silly now! Never really thought about just putting the word “Inawera” or whatever flavor vendor into the search box to cull everything else. Somehow I must have missed that thread about doing this???
Good to know!
Lil ole me??? As Blanche DuBois said in “Streetcar Named Desire”… “I’ve always depended upon the kindness of strangers!”
Yep, worked like a charm. I feel the people that don’t keep their stash tidy though.