I made a tobacco liquid for a friend and he mentioned it was still very tobacco heavy after the exhale. He liked the flavor level as he vaped it. Is there a way to tone down the tobacco after exhale without toning down the flavor while vaping?
Post up your recipe.
Chances are you are using something a bit too high. only way to help is by showing what you have done.
Don’t puff as much
If I mix for myself, I would lower turkish to 1% since it’s aromatic tobacco (basically used to seasoned non aromatic tobacco), and you already have western there, and also the sweetener to 0.5% since I don’t really like sweet tobacco, but that’s just me.
Yes the 2 tobaccos… try cutting them in half…
Remove 1/4 of the brown sugar and the sweetener… see how that works for you…
I’d cut out all the sweetener and brown sugar and replace it with a little RY4 Double. I can’t say much about the tobacco flavors because I don’t know them, but sweeteners have the effect of strengthening flavor and making it sticky so it lingers.
Close the mouth and one nostril
Thanks @delltrapp @anon84779643. Got a lot closer to what we’re looking for. There’s a liquid we both vape but we’re in Massachusetts so we can’t buy it without taking a 2 hour drive.
Dont forget steep time…