Ok so i been looking all over for a frame and battery door for my topside as it had got so mangled. I tried everything to straighten it and make it so it will work. Well i spent hours looking even on dovpos website nothing. So i contacted them on facebook and wouldnt you know they have plenty in stock. £9.76 shipped for a replacement. Now that i ordered a new squonk that will be here tomorrow i will use my topside as a home stay. Overall it was cheaper through them compared to the places that where sold out i found. Wish i just contacted them awhile ago and just bought the replacement right away honestly.
I would order 2 at least. Once they’re gone you will never see them again rendering the mod useless.
Yeah im not too worried. That one lasted two years. Ill do what i can to keep it going and thats it. Once that goes ill bin it. I did think about it but i was like nah cant be bothered
Would a Lost Vape Thelema Solo Mod help you? I had 2 new ones, but as soon as I plugged in the USC port to recharge, they died on me, leaving me with their soul-less bodies.
How did it break?
He looked at it funny
Is your question directed to me or to Psycho?
Those mods are the jankiest doors ever, stopped at 2 and I still have one but for whatever the reason the rubber on the bottles would absorb the scen of the juice even after a baking soda. So if psycho wants a spare I have it sans bottles
Dual battery mods and 24+ rdas are for dudes that need to prove something
Hey guys, look at my vape… I quit smoking with this. Giant thud as he sets it on the table
I just ordered another lost vape Centaurus bf squonk. Yes they have issues but nothing im bothered about. I just couldnt bring myself to throw the topside dal away. Thing is a tank. Just gonna put the doir on it and just use t around the house. Just a solid mod that does it all.
Ok, my offer stands if you or anyone else needs a Lost Vape Thelema Solo Mod, just let me know.
My bad, at Psycho. I have a dual which I’ve yet to use so I’m curious.
You are in the states if i was there id take you up on it. But being in the uk its not worth it but thank you
The pressure of the batteries pushes on the door and it bowes it out where the batteries make contact. I have reworked it 5 times. Finally i took the plate off the door and raised it up and it gave me another few months before it just went shit. Now that i have a new door coming i decided to get this for it

And regardless what @Joel says im sure him having a small dick the topside dual would be huge to him in his hand. Not use to having anything big in his hands will do that
That’s a shame it is built like that. I should probably pick a door or two while I can. Thanks
Yeah i wouldnt rush to replace get as much as you can before swapping it out. It is a suspect design. They could have released the spring load resistance at the top of the mod to offset this. It really didnt need to be that tight. Number two they could have made the catches on the door longer so it grabbed more of the frame. When they design these things they really dont think of longevity. This is what i have come to see.
My bad, I should have asked where you were located first, LOL.
Its all good