Hello! I’m switching from disposables to proper vapes. Due to the regulations in Aus I can get my hands on an unflavoured 50mg nic salt liquid, 50/50pgvg. I just want to make a simple fruity flavour to add to it, like a cherry ice or blueberry lemonade (any fruity/icy/sweet flavours will do) preferably with only 3-4 flavourings… I found a website with all the popular brands and flavour liquids so I’ve figured out that much so far
Even after research I’m still overwhelmed with all the info about sweeteners/menthols/ flavours that aren’t compatible with certain vape or pod systems… So could someone please give me simple instructions and recipe, how many drops of flavour to put in how much of the liquid, what coil to use?
Another question, would love to know which device you guys would recommend for me (that’s also compatible with flavours) … one of the UWELL Caliburns (g3, a3, X), UWELL crown X, , a WILD PROopen pod, or GeekVape wenax Q. (Trying to keep it simple and budget friendly)
long time ago there were flavors the reacted with plastic-y parts in some tanks, i don’t think this is an issue at all anymore. maybe with some PODS? i haven’t heard this before though
have you tried searching on the recipe database? just click on any recipe for fun and you’ll see all the amounts to add are there. you just need a scale or syringe. scale is much better
you can always start with one shots and then you don’t have to follow a recipe. i don’t recommend buying buying 50/50 premix it’s better to get PG nicotine and buy the VG separately
once you add flavors your going to dilute it quickly you’ll be vaping like 40/60 or 30/70. Not ideal for most people
I don’t know much these types of devices, i hear freemax, OXVA and caliburns are good
most questions have been answered before try the search bar
Some fruit flavors especially citrus flavors lemon, lime, grapefruit, can cause reaction issues with plastic pods like swelling and leaking. Check the flavor description in ELR database to see if the flavors that you want to use have any warnings like FA Lemon Sicily which states “Has been reported to crack/melt plastic tanks. May be fine to vape with glass or stainless steel tanks”.
I have heard reports from friends that their original Caliburns pod exploded when using a lemon flavor.
Um… Can you clarify something for me actually? So I remember seeing that warning some time ago, and i noticed when I got lemon Sicily it came in a a little plastic bottle. I just looked and saw it’s cloudy. I really don’t remember if it was cloudy before. Is that normal or is it dissolving this bottle? Is this a safe bottle? Id like to assume the company didn’t package it into something that was dangerous. The tanks maybe were a certain type of plastic? and maybe these bottles are a different type of plastic?
Yes vape pods are often made from polycarbonate (PC), ABS, or PCTG plastics which can cause them to be damaged by the acids in citrus flavors. And the plastic bottles are PET plastic or polyethylene terephthalate that can hold up well to the citric acid used to create citrus flavors.
G’day from a fellow Aussie,
Have you had a look at Flavrz.au ? Have a look at their flavour shots, you just a nic and vg to their premix, very easy way to get started. Blue Raspberry Slushie ICE –might suit you
Hi how are you? I am new as well withing the last few months or so and I think I can offer something valuable to grab hold of on both of your main questions.
As far as the overwhelming info on all vape oil related content I feel ya. I started by keeping it simple and have found that there are two-three recipes among many very decent ones, that I have come up with that are amazing and are now the wife and my go-to. You or anyone for that matter are more than welcome to try any one of my recipes. I believe they are shared but I am unsure of that a little. But I’ll leave the info for ya here.
As far as the second inquiry hands down the Voopoo 4. It is, in mo, the best most reliable no nonsense vape on the market. it’s metal and not plastic and opens on the side not the bottom.
Any one of tyhe top banana recipes of mine are fantastic and not overwhelming or too sweet. Also ShortDog Cream is good.
I wish I could be more helpful, but I don’t use pods. I did just read about Australia’s vape laws though. Wow, what a load of bullshit. I’m sorry you gotta put up with such draconian bs. Ffs. Is it true, did you need a doctor’s prescription to buy that nicotine?
Haha yeah it sucks, I wish I could go to a shop and have a vape pro just set me up with everything… Technically yes you need a prescription, but I literally just had to fill out a couple of questions online and they emailed me the “prescription” the next day. Didn’t even need to speak to a doctor lol. It’s the same with weed here, it’s only medically legal, but sooo easy to get it. A doctor calls you, you tell them you have insomnia and they’ll just give you a “prescription”. It gets mailed to your house too!
But yeah the ‘legal’ vaping options are very limited. I think more people would be inclined the quit the smokes if they had the option of tasty flavours, same with people getting off disposables…
Well at least it’s easy to get, still it’s just sounds so rediculous. True for the flavor to help people quit thing. I never really smoked because I liked the taste of cigarettes, having something that tastes good and doesn’t make everything smell bad and get ashes everywhere, why wouldn’t someone wanna switch?
I’m so sorry! Gosh, I thought I had published them the night I offered the recipes. I am new to this so I suppose I need to figure out how to correctly take care of that…
When you go to your recipes, a public recipe won’t have this icon. Also you can check the box to filter all your private recipes and only show published ones.