Traveling with flavours, PG/VG?

Hi, apologies if this is a stupid question. I’m pretty new to vaping and the DIY community but loving it so far. I was wondering if there are any issues with traveling with flavour concentrates, PG, VG etc? I live in China and will be flying back to the UK for a month and want to continue experimenting whilst I’m there. I’ve had an issue with taking unmarked bottles of PG and VG on a train here so no more unmarked bottles but has anyone had any problems flying with these things?

Thanks a lot,


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First I would probably. Sugest calling the airline. And asking them but here’s something I found online


I travel a lot, and luckily, never had issues with flavours or gear.
I take a small inexpensive box (in case of troubles I won’t loose a fortune) with me with an RDTA and a 10ml liquid, most of the liquids and flavours go with my luggage together with another box with battery taken off and an atomizer, both with proper containers.
This way never had troubles so far, both eastwise and westwise from Europe. :+1:


Thanks Frank, that’s perfect.

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