Tried and True Mods/RDA's:

I pretty lame when it comes to hardware…I grab Mods that are on sale typically because ive never had a mod change the taste of the liquid …Ive always had a Smoant Charon TC or Smoant Battlestar …Pixies have become my Flavor testers and the Blotto and Intake dual have been my go to work tanks …Lately ive fell un love with the Cold Steel 120 and ive broken in to my Vapocalypse stuff and am using the GeekVape Nova which is a nice little box mod


[quote=“Skullblade789, post:1, topic:245604, full:true”]
So I noticed something the other day. I have been vaping for several years now. I have gone through several mods, cheap and expensive, and several RDA’s, RDTA’s, Tanks, cheap and expensive, and have now just seen a trend that I am sticking too for at least 2 years now. This setup has gone with me everywhere I go no. Even home use is the only thing I really go to now a days. I think in my use I have found the ultimate setup that keeps me going back for more and more. I have had shinyitis in the past, but that has waned significantly. So what is the tried and true setup?

A Pulse BF 80W, Squonk Mod. (Lazy Mans dripper or a traveler dripper.)
A Profile RDA.
Built with Vandy Vape NI80 mesh.
Cotton or Rayon wicking.
Usually set for 35 to 40W.

This setup has been my go to for years now. I do not even look at my other Mods, RDA’s, RDTA’s, Tanks, etc. the vapor production I get out of this is solid. Fruits hit like they are supposed to with solid flavors. Creams are just that, creamy dreamy goodness. NETS are just sublime with great notes. I always find if it gets stale for me to switch out flavors and then it is like new again. I can say with the upmost satisfaction that his is my only setup I can and will use


I have 2 every day setups.

Original Reload RTA on the Paranomal DNA250C and Precisio RTA on the Mirage DNA75C.

I still play around with other RTA’s cause I like to buy things. My current favorites are the Avatar RTA (Clone cause I’m not made of money) and the Kree RTA. I ordered the new Kree 24 RTA and am looking forward to that one.

The only other mods that I use are a couple DNA75’s and a DNA200. I’m a DNA snob.


I have 2 of them and they’ve been in my hands for months now. Running 21700 Molicels with my KFL2019s, the batt life is for days.

I just got an Aegis squonk and also have a Profile RDA. I’m glad to hear you like it. I haven’t set it up yet so here’s my incentive. Thx. I’ve been toying around with the Hellvape MD RTA and it’s not bad. Don’t know if it will last for the duration, though. We’ll see. The Silverplay 24 has been around for me for about a year now.


MOF, an ECF member found a bubble glass to fit it (OBS CUBE tank). That was the biggest complaint, small capacity.


I haven’t tried the pulse, but the profile is definitely my go to, on the Topside, or dual topside.


My daily drivers are the the Blotto Mini RTA or the Kelpie RTA on one of my Aegis Legends, an Aromamizer Lite 1.5 on a VV Jackaroo mod. For MTL I often use the EHPRO Cold Steel with a Kayfun Lite 2019 on top. For squonking and flavour testing it has to be my DPRO Mini on my Hotcig RSQ or a Recurve RDA with the flavour boosting top cap on a Ohm Boy Rage. I have recently bought the new Aromamizer Plus V2 in the standard kit and I also purchased the new single coil deck and the velocity deck with a chimney reducer and the full size Odin mod but I haven’t set those up yet so I don’t know if they will replace one of the others as a daily driver.


My goto seems to be the Pulse 80W Squonk topped with a Coilart D-Pro Mini RDA. Excellent flavor, satisfying vape experience and decent battery life. Oh yeah, very comfortable in a pocket.


Have you ever used a PWM Mod?


Yes…Although at first it hit different it never Changed the taste or made it better …I did like the PWM mod except the POT switch is messed up and I lost instructions on how to reset… With the switch very low it seems like im valing at 150watts lol


Mine is the Elder dragon on my Revenant Delta.


Myself, I like using PWM with RDA’s and my DNA on MTL tanks and I can’t use anything but PWM on drippers since I first started using them. I find that those devices give me the best vape satisfaction for what hardware I am using.


Does the mod happen to be a Smart PWM?


I believe it was…Butvto be honest I forget , It is one Whiterose made…I know there is someway to click the buttons so many times to set things and reset things but I lost instructions


When it was working properly it was definetly a nice mod


look up smart pwm mod manual. You’ll find your instructions.

sounds like you have it set to Vmax.

1 Click fire 10 times to get to pot set
2 Turn pot to zero/minimum
3 Click fire once
4 Turn pot to ten/maximum.
5 Click fire Twice
6 Check meter by turning pot up and down
7 Click fire 4 times to exit


Thank you…I thought this was a Whiterose thing so didnt even think to look it up…


I’ll give it a whirl…Appreciate the help…TY


@Beaufort_Batches I have been looking at PWM mods since using the SC Titan, and would like to try a real PWM, what would you recommend.