Tropical recommendation

Hello all,

I’m looking for a nice fresh Tropical fruit recipe or even concentrate that is juicy and flavourful - would not have any citrus edge unless to make the flavours pop and mainly comprise of guava, mango tangerine peach?

I tried a sample bottle of chef’s tickle me pink and it’s lovely - but is a bit of a coil wrecker for me. I’d love something like it but without the super sweet or sucralose?

thanks in advance.

You could try this, I’ve just released it a second ago. Mind you, for all I know, I’m the only one who likes it.:grinning:

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Damn i love those things

See if you can make it better! I’m pretty fresh to all of this.

It looks pretty good - i would maybe drop it down a little but that is just for me but if it works for you that is what is important - nice job

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This is my recipe so you can take this suggestion with a grain of salt. Every one of my vaping friends asks me to make this for them regularly. They all love it.

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Flavorah Tropical Punch.

many thanks all for taking the time to reply all :slight_smile:

I’ll be looking at both louiesquared and cooper1’s recipes - but at first glance louie’s recipe seems more in line with my preferred flavour profile. I also have most if not all the ingredients which is another highlight,

i’m still looking about for recipes and inspiration…



Sunset…(Purilum). If it’s not a stand alone for you, it’s a great Base !