I recently learned on here that THAT is what the damned shower cap is for! I feel so stupid…I have really wondered. I learned that on here in another thread.
I don’t vape in the can, I’d rather not breathe there. I have vaped in really nice hotel rooms around the world, and I am talking 0.054Ohms. Thus far have been succesfully directing the cloud away from the smoke detector, but too stoopid to use the shower cap. I also consider every walmart lowes or home Depot as vaping allowed…wait, sometimes I will fog in a toilet and gently put the lid down when there is a long line at a small bar or house party. I guess I do vape close to the wolf traps.
I hear ya I’d rather not have to stand in there and vape a few hits either but sometimes it’s the only relief you get. When I do get lunch breaks I certainly take it outside and go somewhere peaceful and quiet off the unit it’s where I’d rather be.
I’ve seen plenty of ppl vaping in Wal-mart and as far as Lowe’s & Home Depot never there but I usually see ppl w/ their dogs w/ them…whole other topic.
You lost me on the fog in the toilet w/ the wolf trap part …umm
Hey ! The shower cap snap ! I will try that one too since I don’t want the fire depart. to come visit another hotel I happened to be staying at and SOMEONE in my room ( Fiance’ ) happened to vape in just prior to the shower got out of the shower he opened the door immediate alarm was firing…erhhhh.
I’ll fill the toilet with a big subohm dripper cloud and close the lid, you just blow out lightly. Next person that comes in lifts the lid and is like “what the hell did that guy eat?” or many other things.
Wolf trap = toilet; it’s a pretty regional expression. I wont explain it.
Oh and not judging, I just can’t vape anywhere the floors are sticky. Men’s restrooms can be pretty foul. At least where I am currently.
Okie dokie never heard of that expression but I also am not in your region…lol
Let’s just say women can be as nasty luckily most the bathrooms are kept really clean at work. I don’t vape in any other buiding outside of my home if not at work.
That will inevitably lead to a competition… and subsequent Annual Awards Ceremony. VoopMasters International …now we just need a secret handshake …ok ok no handshake.
Nope. I had a Nautilus X and a 20w eLeaf iStick that I would use when the twins were here. I ended up paying those items forward to keep someone off the stinkies and all I have is DL set ups. When the twins are here (just turned 4 months old) I vape outside.
I never vape around mine either, I wait until they’re all tucked in and doors are closed. We can say it’s harmless, but do we really know? Seeing how the windows look for instance…
At work I can vape almost anywhere. On the production floor, in the maintenance shop or bathroom.
The thread was pretty funny and light hearted. Truth be told I don’t carry my mods in a resturant, Walmart, the grocery store. I’m never going to be in anyone place long enough to start nicing out and getting edgy.
When I’m out in public I vape outside with the smokers. I want people to see me vape. I love when they ask questions. It gives me a chance to convince them that vaping is the the best opportunity they have to quit smoking.
The last time I was around a group of smokers, thanksgiving, three people ask me if I saw the video of the explosion in the guys pocket I hated that. I had to explain that it was a battery explosion caused by stupidity and not a mod explosion. People are still skeptical. Freaking media.
We don’t really know. The only place I really notice is on windows is in my car.
I don’t really worry about residual effects of vape. The day the twins are coming I don’t vape in the house at all though.
I do worry more about the effects of the smoking that both my stepson and his wife do. I don’t think they smoke in the car when they have the twins in there but when you get in their car all you can smell is cigarettes.
I guess it’s not what they want to hear, but maybe you can give them a little hint about the smell? You see a lot clearer when you vape, eh? Both good and bad.
A few years back my flight got bumped due to weather in Chicago and I was told (also due to weather and a lot of other flight getting cancelled) I wasn’t going to get a new flight for 3 or 4 days. So at 11pm at night I took a subway into the city, slept in a McDonalds with a half dozen alcoholics, got to the train station at about 6am or so (if I remember), took a train to St. Louis then a Greyhound down to my town… Twice during that “adventure” I had other vapers hit me up for juice I had in my bag Once on the train and once during a stop on the bus… I guess they had been watching me stealth vaping and just couldn’t stand it anymore.
Moral of that story is I had to work on being more stealthy lol
Back when I had a job and wasn’t sub ohm vaping I used to vape in the bathroom. Now that I sub ohm vape and blow clouds when I vape I doubt I would unless I broke out one of my non sub ohm tanks. Hell I have to be careful in my car or I can’t see the road.