I’m trying to add a candy-ish vibe to a pumpkin cookie recipe. This is what I’ve made,
Sugar Cookie (Cap) 2%
Pumpkin Spice cream (OSDIY) 3%
Pumpkin spice (Flavorah) .75%
Pumpkin Candy- (sc) (wf) 1.50%
Graham cracker (clear) (TPA) 1%
Caramel candy (FW) .50%
I know know pumpkin candy isn’t an actual pumpkin flavor, I SFT’d it and I got a candy corn from it
My daughter only vapes Sadboy Pumpkin cookie. I asked her to describe it. She says she doesn’t get cookie, and the pumpkin she gets as a candied pumpkin.
I’m using pumpkin candy and caramel for the candy vibe. Graham cracker to blend, pumpkin spice cream and pumpkin spice for the main flavors, sugar cookie for a little cookie texture. Am I thinking this out right? Or would a marshmallow work in something like this.
Maybe this?
Sugar cookie 3%
Pumpkin spice .75%
Pumpkin spice cream 2%
Caramel candy .50%
Marshmallow (candy) (WF) .50-1%
Pumpkin pie (Hangsen) (??) %
Helllp- she’s on her last couple of bottles and we are in Massachusetts (assachusetts) home of no e-liquid flavors.