Well moving on with life I have to figure out how or where to get some artificial turf for free or less so I can let the pups in the back yard. Need someone to weed the hell out of it before I can unroll the stuff but what the hell might as well start looking at/for it.
I guess free or less is a little unreal. I need to find some as cheap as I can.
daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanm wish I’d invented this stuff. This shit is stupid expensive. about a dollar a blade for some of it
why don’t you get some seeds and grow some real grass?
Too big of a pain in the ass. I’m disabled and don’t want to have to deal with the watering and cutting and weeding and fertilizing and edging and I’m getting older and just plain old don’t want to. lol. Besides the fact that I’m so tired of hearing the state of California, county of fresno, city of Reedley and the manager of the mobile park whine and bitch about using a cup of water to water it.
Well… there are automatic lawn cutters (just like the vacuum machines that do their own thing, even recharge by themselves), but that doesn’t do much for the watering of course.
In all reality and joking aside it’s mainly the heat and the water. I am trying to be somewhat water conscious. We removed about 78 Nandenus
They had been ignored and let run rampant. I pulled root mats big enough to park the garbage trucks that hauled all three dumpters full of roots only away. We filled our can and 4 of our neighbors that either didn’t use or put very little in for two months every week full of clippings and still had ten of them down one side of the place that we did the next summer.
Everything I’ve planted for three years has been edible and perennial. I have three grape vines one of which will be moved this winter, 4 pecan trees which I all likeliness I may never see edible nuts from but somebody will. and I have a very nice stand of thornless blackberries that produce like wild fire and they take the most work to keep them from spreading like the other crap did. Oh yeah I have what are supposed to two cherry trees that I think I got screwed on and have chokecherry trees. If I ever get them producing i’ll still make jelly out of the juice and one freestone peach tree that is self pollinating. everything I plant I do to create shade as well as food things. So I need to get where I can go back to having a veg garden too. And believe me I don’t need or want to cut grass.
Being retired/disabled Cost is also one of the biggest issues. I watch sales like a hawk when I’m ready to invest in something. My kids say I can make a nickel crap 7 pennies.
Maybe just some cedar mulch. Home Depot will deliver it and a hungry neighborhood youngster can put his back into it …controls weeds too
150 for the mulch, 99 to deliver it. And we live in a senior mobile home park. Not many hungry youngsters around. my son would come and do it, I just don’t have money to spend like that. The artificial turf Idea I thought was good has proven to be a bust too Even though they may have some of it they aren’t interested in my little one time deal
See if you can find someone that does tennis courts - i bought an artificial turf offcut from a tennis court installer for $25 enough to do what I wanted about 8 metres by 1.5 metres (26ft x 5ft)
Found one, he just did a big job and has a semi load of used he’ll sell me for $500. I swear These people in Ca are stingy asshole pricks when it comes to making a buck. If they can’t make enough to send a kid to college they don’t want to be bothered with it
If you don’t need new, people sometimes pay you to get rid of the stuff for you. It would probably be larger quantities than you need. My school friend, RC car champion and track manager on top of his day job, last time I checked, did just so for their aforementioned RC car track.
Check ebay.
What you need is evergreen coloured paint, lead-based latex preferably. Give the dirt one or two good coats and you’re good for a few seasons
Thought about it, but the dirt is so powder fine even spraying is out of the question, the air quality is already so bad here with all the fires I wouldn’t dare kick up that much dust. lmao
Oh yeah and lead based is out I want the damn grass for my puppies to do their thing on and maybe even play a little bit
7 X 30 and I’d have trim on two sides to make it fit perfect. I’d be happy with anything 6.5 X 24 and up and I’d have to border it somehow but I’d deal with it. I just cant find small cuts of used and they call 2.50 per sq. foot and up a deal 390 bucks for the min size I listed and 525 for the larger size. I just can’t call that a roll end deal. We did our family room years ago for about 50 cents a linear foot carpet and padding now granted we had a lot of seams in the pad but it was all the same . Carpet was everything from the most luxurious expensive lose your foot when you walk on it to kitchen carpet, but the room was 16 feet long and 28 feet wide there was never more than two seam horizontally and I think we had a total of 14 or 15 seams the other way. We arranged it thickest to thinnest with the thinnest over by the pool table and bar area. I must have done a mile of whip stitch over three weekends but damn that was cheap can pretty cool looking carpet. Now days they want 20 bucks for a 12 X 12 sample piece.