U.S. Senator Ron Johnson Speaks with SFATA About FDA Deeming Regs

SFATA president and executive director, Cynthia Cabrera, speaks with U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, who recently sent a letter to the FDA’s Commissioner Robert Califf raising concerns about the impact the final deeming regulations will have on the small businesses that make up the majority of the vapor industry.



He doesnt really say a lot, just highlights what was sent. I know she is the SFATA president but i find it odd that at this stage she only mentions them and not the other vaping organizations out there. The time has passed for division of any type, only by working together will things get done.


On that topic I see more and more groups being organized which is great but counter productive… 100,000 isn’t the same when its made up as 100 1,000… Anyway, using my social media accounts to put the spotlight on these senators and representatives who haven’t found the time to email me back… To any of my multiple emails… Hopefully they enjoy the obnoxious added attention from people everywhere who just want a reasonable answer to the FDAs decision

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I totally agree it is not the time to stand divided we will fail if that continues.

Emails do not get the same attention that a well written letter sent to them by USPS does. I have done a lot of complaining to elected officials over the years on many topics. Not once have I been ignored by one of them when I sent a hand written letter by USPS. I have never got a true personal reply when I emailed them. Just saying what has worked for me.


I absolutely agree, ive always sent handwritten letters.


http://vaping360.com/sen-johnson-demands-answers-fda/ again!


Now if ignored again i wonder if there will be subpoena’s.