So, ELR just suffered a very long period of down-time. I am very sorry about that. I am currently investigating the cause, but so far it is eluding me. I have some fail safes in place that should have restarted certain services to handle stuff like that automatically. However, because of the nature of the problem, those fail safes were unable to control the services they needed.
Everything should be running again. Again; sorry for the inconvenience…
Thank gawd it wasn’t my end. Overnight, Firefox did a UI upgrade to v89 (don’t like it but resigning myself to it) and I spent the good part of 4-5 hours fapping about online getting explanations, tweaks and fixes and when I’d had a gutful, I decided I’d be better off signing in here instead. Obviously I couldn’t but decided to have another crack just after dinner and lo and behold Lars has it up and running again. Tusen takk Lars
You don’t realize how much you depend on ELR until it goes down. Thank you for all the hard work you put into this!!! I like the other calculators but I’m so used to using ELR I have a hard time mixing with anything else LOL
Lars, thanks for the info. Sometimes “downtime” happens, no matter what fail safes are in place. As others have said, thanks for addressing it quickly and letting us know it happened. You do a FANTASTIC job keeping this forum running, useful and fun. My hat is off to you (except I don’t really wear hats).