At the risk of sounding like an old grump, I ended up telling Vapor DNA to delete my long time account with them. Hadn’t ordered from them in some time, went to do it and found they require a photo id uploaded to them to complete my age verification. I emailed, informing them I don’t have a camera phone (I know I know, stone age) and that my digital camera was on the fritz,and did they have any other way to verify? Even offered to email them my state DL number, what have you. I didn’t receive any sort of personal reply, only received a form letter email with instructions on how to upload my id. Nothing else. Now I know some companies have gone this route, most haven’t and the verification process is easier. I do understand the need to verify, and I don’t mind them even knowing my dl #…I do mind having to jump through hoops like this just to order a damn mod. I am not going to borrow a neighbours camera, or buy a new phone or camera to comply. And the lack of a personal reply ticked me off as well. There. Rant finished. I feel better…lol.
You’re not alone in feeling that way, I wouldn’t do it either.
Yeah, no way in hell will i upload my DL to some server that i know nothing about. Sure we give some personal information for transactions and what not but an image of a picture ID goes well outside my comfort zone.
And if that is the level of customer care one can expect from them then there are plenty of other places to shop. I say you made the right call.
Yep, there are plenty of other fish in the sea, I say.
I’ve gotten to the point that I don’t even like purchasing products online with a credit/debit card. If PayPal isn’t an option, I tend to go elsewhere. But then I truly AM an old grump. lol
i started using a green dot card exclusively for my vape things
What is this Green Dot card you speak of?
Prepay cards.
I will start to use prepaid or paypal only too. Two episodes of credit card fraud transactions in the last 6 months. Buying online for years. Unfortunately, the only difference since are vape related online orders. Not all have paypal option so if prepaid cards get complicated I will have to choose the once with paypal.
yes its a prepaid card , the card i use has my name on it and is registered to an address so it can be used like a debit , where some pre paids are more like gift cards and dont work on a lot of things , walmart has a card that has a one time fee , my info was stolen aa few years back and it took me forever to get my credit repaired , using the green dot card also helps me keep a budget in check i only use whats available if i were to use my bank card id probably get a little crazy now and then lol
I use a Green Dot card as well. I’ve a bit of a spending problem where I tend to want to spend MUCH more than what I can afford. I’ve found using the GD card really keeps my spending in check, and I also like the fact that there’s an actual physical barrier between my cash and the GD card(I prefer to pull cash out of my account and then load the card at a local store) which means that I only have to rely on my bank’s security for keeping my loot secure.