I was so excited to see these coils on the market, and immediately rushed to the site to be pleasantly surprised by the selection of aftermarket coils. It was a hard decision but I finally decide to give the Atlantis coils a try. I bought the AP203 at 0.20 ohms Dual horizontal coils for the Atlanits and Atlanits 2. Upon receipt I looked one over and it seemed to be in good order. I primed the cotton and installed it in my Atlantis while at the same time installing a factory coil in my second Atlantis the only difference bein the fact the factory coil is dual vertical and the aftermarket is dual horizontal. Filled both tanks with the same 3mg/ml nic Max VG juice that I made at 16/84 PG/VG. Just to be sure let them set for 20 minutes. Set the atty up on my Cuboid. I vaped the factory coil at 40 watts and was given a full clean vape flavorful and perfect in every way. I vaped the Vaporwerx coil at 30 watts to start and was sadly disappointed in the vapor production and flavor. I upped the mod to 35 watts and was not much more to it. Going anywhere above the 35 brings a horrendous burnt flavor. I can vape the 0.3 factory coil as high as 55 watts with no problem and a wonderful clean flavor. IMHO these are really poorly put together and cheaply made.
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