Thanks @ozo I will keep that in mind. I just through my two new batteries in my charger to make sure they are fully charged then I will be trying this thing… ive been dying too, its literally been sitting in my hand since i got it (im like a kid in a candy store)
What charger do you have? I thought you had problems with yours and needed a new one?
You may need to take any stickers off your batteries my r25’s were really tight in the DB 160
intellicharger i2… I have no issue with it except that it only takes 2 batteries and Ive got the 1 mod now that takes 3 batteries… this charger will be fine for charging the two for the dripbox though. hmmm I marked these two with a sticker would a sharpie work @Rob62 ?
Yes that is what I do
A sharpie works…but mark it where you don’t grab the battery or it will rub off in time.
I mark mine on the sides, but at the tops and bottoms of the sides.
I had to do this to my batteries as well , didn’t notice until it was time to replace them but they came out alright.I then pulled the stickers off all my married sets.
Just tried it… alot more flavour than the topbox with the claptons… wow the airflow seems so much better fully open then the topbox too… Im really really loving this thing (still looking for that sweet spot in wattage though)
surely it should be ‘The Squonk Squad’…
ahhhh…I like it lol
Yoda looks like he had a dry hit lmao
Wow I talked to eleaf a long time ago about a Squonker Thank’s @BoDarc
pocket squonk
Yeah , a dry hit of Chronic!
hahaha indeed!
Saw that one… also was checking out this one which looks like Frankenstein crashed into a squonker!
Wow that looks bad ass ( pump squonk ) LOL