Well I know now why its a good idea to use a drip tip cover. So you don’t vape dirt all day like me…
twist up a tampon and plug the hole
Congrats on your new Job
Work hard vape dirt all day buy more vape stuff
EZ enough answer. Use your lips over the drip tip.
It would drive me crazy having a drip tip cover on. Easier to rinse off the tip in the sink. If really dirty pull the cotton rinse and rewick. , And it’s free.
Wait…Your worried about vaping dirt but yiu smoke crack ??? Lmao
One would have came in handy for me a few years ago.
Was working in the garage and took a hit and a small bee shot into my mouth.
Fortunately I was able to spit it out and didn’t get stung.
Yeah, I get bits of chaff in mine all the time when feeding horses. Lucky MTL tips are quite narrow so I just take the tip off and blow the chaff out.
Yes crack tastes great!
Dirt…now dirt on the other hand is boring. Boring ol dirt.
There isn’t too many sinks around here lol! Sink! I work outside in a filthy warehouse. .haha! Im happy tho i get to vape all day here! Inside &outside.
I did that lastnight actually put in another diy flavors order…lol
I wanted chefs but haven’t got paid yet and when I get chefs its literally i pay an extra dollar for dollar! 80$ =145 something crazy like that.
N I’m not a crack head per say. I moderate that shit real good. It’s the physical issue I have that is a real problem. N no everyone It’s not any kind of opiates. I been there too. Not going back. I guess you could call me a recreational smoker. Lol!
I tried it when I was younger with my brother’s friends, he asked me if I wanted to chip in for some Hard which was the slang, I figured he meant hard drugs and coke was all I knew at the time. So we went back to his place with a case of beer from off sales at the hotel and a dealer dropped off some rocks… Well, we drank a beer or two and he flattened one size and made small holes, smoked a cigarette and dropped the ash on the holes and laid a rock on top… For the next hour or two we smoked the entire amount and I was paranoid as fuck… I had to leave because I thought my heart was going to explode (which it probably was) and when I walked home it felt like I had a pimp walk the whole time. Weird stuff.
Lol! That’s funny!!
Haha! Gonna start work right about. Now. Lol. Be around later. But creepin all day…haha!
Check your account, Government issued a 300 dollar rebate on Carbon Tax…
I’m a MTL vaper and I only use small hole mouth pieces… Less chance of bugs getting in.
I bought some little corks that fit nicely into my 810 drip tips to keep the dust and creepy crawlies out when not in use. I wish there was some kind of clear silicone caps available though.
Isn’t there on fasttech?
Ya if you did ur taxes last year lol
Did I …NOPE. 1st year in forever and I walk out over an 85 dollar fee. I’m mad at myself. Trust me.