Using Flavors For Actual Cooking

I was thinking… With all these flavors we have laying around, does anyone have any actual food recipes where we could incorporate some flavors into?!

Thanks in advance!!


I have tried different flavours in pancakes, waffles and even added to a boxed cake once . I tried in coffee and cola. It’s been awhile I’m probably missing something…


Heya @Stankhammer. Thanks for the reply dude.

Did you notice any difference is the final result?! I :heart: pancakes- and would totally give it a shot.

Funny thing… I can’t find much of anything online about how to actually use flavors for cooking!!

@SessionDrummer What do you think SD?! Any thoughts bro?


I’ve put like 10 drops of custard cake flavor into the eggs for my French toast and it tasted freaking amazing. It completely transformed the French toast to the point where it’s almost like the texture was different. Since French toast contains eggs, bread, butter, milk, it really does something. It already is kind of the ingredients for custard inside of a bread. I wish I had some bread right now I would make some. I’ve been really wanting to try making cupcakes with crumble topping flavor too because it tastes exactly like the flavor of tasty cake cupcakes.

Since all these flavors are meant for being used in cooking and such, they really are perfect for trying to make stuff in the kitchen.

As far as knowing how much to put into recipes, These flavors seem to be stronger than say vanilla extract. A method I want to try to test it out is making a batch of cupcakes or something, and add a few drops of flavor to each serving of batter and mix it in. That way I can make a whole batch of cupcakes and test out all the different flavors. If I added 10 drops of flavor to two eggs, I guess maybe I would try 6 to 10 drops for say, a single cupcake. I guess I could also make rows with different drop amounts. I definitely think I would try to stick closer to the lower amount though.

Having added the custard cake flavor to my French toast really made me respect how strong these flavors can be. The Bull City website actually has a chart for adding flavors to bake goods, but it’s pretty generic. It’s the same for all the flavors.


I use them all the time, pudding, yogurt, jams, breads, water and teas to name of few. Almost all Medicine Flower. I even use them to scent up the house in oil burners/lamps and couple drops on the furnace filter.

I make Pannu Kakku, a Finnish custard pancake, and use a couple drops Vanilla and French Vanilla MF in it, outstanding. Banana Bread gets Banana Silver MF, just 5-6 drops for a double batch, as does Nanner Puddin.

The applications are almost limitless.


I have a recipe for use with coffee over on ATF- the formula is 8 oz brewed coffee, plus the recipe.



@D.Sims I haven’t ever mixed vaping with eating, or hehe, at least vaping flavors in foods. Not yet any way.


Thanks @Ken_O_Where. That’s what they’re made for after all.

I will whip something up and share the recipe if it’s worth a damn.

Thank you too @Lynda_Marie!! :smiling_face:

“BBQ Is Better With Vape” and vape flavored swwet treats

I know you can whip up some goodness SD!! :metal::metal::muscle::muscle:


Hmmmm …