USPS, FedEx, DHL & UPS (!) Vape Mail Ban, incoming late March/ April 2021: Discussion, Updates, Info, Venting, Emotional Support

I will always watch reviews before pulling the pin on a purchase. You do have to be objective when watching and not get taken in by the hype (and yes, in my earlier days I made some mistakes by being sucked in). Nowadays I tend to jump past the intro and unboxing and get the build deck, airflow, coil placement, wicking and final thoughts (pro’s and con’s). I’m comfortable with my own knowledge and experience as to whether what I have seen will work for my style of vaping.


same here. i’m thinking they are going to get much more creative with the descriptions.


Received a drip tip order from Half Moon Mods (US), they now class their product as ‘resin parts’


they will have to change their name = Half Moon Flashlights :crazy_face:


LOL… I can see a lot of new flashlight manufacturers coming out from the USA :+1:
e.g. Kennedy Vindicator 21700 Flashlight now that would be cool!


I wish I had known this years ago and now that I do it’s a bit But I do thank you for the information. I am not terribly worried about the vape mail ban from a personal position. Over the years I have made enough friends globally that getting nicotine shipped to me won’t be an issue. In fact I am waiting on some wonderful German concentrates some friends are sending me. I have also prepared for this over the past few years. I bought a dedicated freezer, connected it to my home generator in case of power loss, bought Nude Armor Argon and anti-oxidizing in 50ml bottles. All stored in light, air proof bags and tuned every 30 days. I have about 3.5 gallons stored up and the nic I am currently using is about 5 years old and is clear as the day I bought it. I sent NN an email and they think they may be some “more expensive” shipping options they are still looking into. I also asked about powered nicotine which I do not know much about but they didn’t respond to that so my search continues on that.


I just received an email from River Supply in my inbox. It is intended for their business to business sales only. It states that effective 4/1/21 they will ship nicotine to businesses that have filled out “Pact Act Business Form 2021” via freight carrier. They will continue to ship non nicotine products via ground. This is exceptionally good news. I suggested previously that when we (DIYers) frequent our local vape shops now, it would be a good idea to inquire if they would purchase nicotine for resale to us. You can now point them to River Supply and let them know it is possible. This does represent a bit of a silver lining to the impending storm cloud.


it would be the rare shop that sells DIY, as it would/could take away from their juice sales. or, the price would be so high that nobody would buy it.


More likely to use the nic for house juices and charge a premium I am sure…


oh. and i bet after all this blows over, fedex, ups, dhl go back to shipping BtB


House e-liquid is going to disappear too. The PMTA is going to take care of that.


I believe they will go back to B-B.


Has everyone already forgotten about the 6-figure estimates PER LIQUID PMTA fees??

There’s not going to be many LEGAL house eliquids. And those businesses who are dumb enough to try and circumvent the system (and random checks that are sure to follow) are risking their business anyways.

I think those that choose to carry it, are going to find increased sales.
But I’m also wondering what percentage of the ones brave enough to consider doing so, how many are going to be dissuaded by the fear of noobs having access to “straight Nicotine” (not talking about pure [1000mg/ml], but even just 100mg/ml or 48mg/ml??

I know I wouldn’t hand over 100mg/ml nic to just any idiot walking in off the street (to make a few extra bucks).

Then comes the question of how to qualify an experienced mixer (who IS safe to sell the product to)? You would almost have to have an established relationship with the business. And in many of the cases here (at ELR), I would bet the majority of long-term mixers (like myself) are in the same boat I am. I haven’t bought B&M in years with a single handful of exceptions. Certainly not enough to have any kind of relationship with a single business.

I don’t know folks.
I’m just as curious/concerned as the rest as to how this is going to play out. ESPECIALLY for those trying to quit smoking, and those just starting to learn how to DIY.

One giant shit sandwich, no matter how you slice it.


Thanks @Sprkslfly


Me either until yesterday …I had to run out of the house and fogot spare battery ( 21700) so I called the local Tobacco/ Vape / bong store . They had 2 in stock ( 21700 batteries) so I walk in , I start saying OMG you really saves me blah blah blah , the girl asks how many I need and I say oh just one HOW MUCH are they she say 19.99 ya 19.99 for 1 21700 battery whoa 19.99 FFS …This is why people don’t shop BnM this is why I stock up


yeah, but they do have a lot of overhead. seeing as things are going to be, i’m going to run down to our good vape shop, and buy it.


I understand and respect that.

But there’s also a point of when it simply becomes gouging.

You’re already paying retail at the online stores. If that $7.99-$9.99 single 21700 has already been imported (read as: transported across the ocean), as well as gone through at least one intermediary (read as: wholesaler/distributor), then you’re paying market value (read as: retail).

It’s not like Illumn or the 18650store are placing one order each with Samsung, then Panasonic, then Molicel, then Sony, etc.

I wouldn’t have an issue paying $10-11 for what’s ordinarily a $7.99 battery online.
Nor would I be bothered much by paying $12-$13 for what’s ordinarily a $10 battery online.
After all, I do appreciate (and place value on) the ability to have a needed item instantly in hand.

But I’m referring to ‘your local vape store’.
Not one located near Sach’s, Macy’s, or with the overhead of a Beverly Hills retail front. :wink:


You’re already paying retail at the online stores

true, but most vape shops don’t sell online. the online shops make up the difference in volume, and, they have more competition so they have to price more competitively


Say hi to keystone+ pricing, I know they need to make overhead but that’s why they only are carrying an inventory of 2…


I think that’s the core battle in a nutshell for the modern business world.

Failure by the B&M ‘establishment’ to both realize AND acknowledge that we’re living in the digital age.

IMO, online IS the direct competition to B&M.
Nobody I know gives a shit who they buy things from locally. There’s little in the way of “retail chain loyalty” anymore (at least in hardgoods).

The first question is “do I have to have it today?” If the answer is no, it’s more and more becoming an online purchase.
Why? Because even with shipping (which is often free), the price works out to be cheaper than buying local.

Most often for B&M is “who’s got the cheapest price?” or “who handles returns best?”.

There hasn’t been brand loyalty (that I can think of) since the 70’s, or maybe 80’s at best. Back then you’d hear old men talking about what brand of Gas (petrol) they bought (And there was a reason for that: Quality of refinement and filtration at the stations).
With the playing fields leveled, there’s no need for brand loyalty in gas.
In the 80’s, there was a Levi’s resurgence. But then again, they were still 100% American made back then…much like Zenith and RCA etc in the 70’s.
While I digress…

The point is, with everything being “the same” these days, it’s become more about ‘this minute’ or ‘in a few days’.

B&M is going to have to adapt. Or fall to the wayside. (Barring a collapse of the shipping infrastructure. In which case we’re ALL fucked, because the convenience of modern shipping and online shopping has crushed the locals all but completely as it is. Kind of like Walmart lowering the bar)