Valerian e-liquids

Heya folks!

So I had a credit at Amazon and saw this ‘Healthy Vapes’ e-liquid recipe that has lavender and valerian root in it. I am not looking to get high…not from this…I’m too old to be experimenting with stuff for THAT reason. BUT…I do get the occasional anxiety above and beyond normal and have pain issues from crushed vertebrae in my back. I was thinking that, with the valerian in it, this might be something decent to have around mainly for anxiety/sleep. I am trying to stay away from prescription medications for all the obvious reasons and then also because the more research I do into ‘Big Pharma’ (Pharmaceutical Companies and their downright evil lobby that has hijacked our health industry in this country) the more completely freaked out I become as well as disgusted. So…I am boycotting any and all prescription medication unless it’s life or death (blood pressure, diabetes etc), I don’t consider my pain to be life or death so…trying some herbal remedies and a more holistic approach now,

So Soothing Valerian by Healthy Vapes was NOT HALF BAD…and made me a littlle relaxed and sleepy (bed time vape for sure). Now…I got his at Amazon…so I wasn’t expecting top notch…plus Amazon is flat-out killing the mom and pop stores of all shapes and sizes all across this wonderful country. Just don’t want to buy from them if avoidable.

Anyone have any opinions on vaping Valerian / Lavendar? Any good Mom and Pop sources?

This ones ingredients are (in order): VG, PG, “flavor”, valerian, lavender oil. The “flavor” is mango…which I knew was in there going i. The taste is similar to CBD oils I have vaped before…so, while it most certainly doesn’t taste wonderful , it isn’t THAT bad and DOES seem to have some anti-anxiety effects, though the placebo effect is absolutely a possibility.

If anyone is into this end of vaping, the healing/holistic vaping, please let me know. Also, if there is something along these lines,but for pain (non narco) I’d love to hear about it. I know CBD oil is touted as helping with everything from back (pain) to epilepsy, which would be GREAT and further explain why Big Pharma has been trying to bury the research on it…it seems like that anyway. No I am not a conspiracy theorist, and no this aluminum foil hat I am wearing is strictly for medicinal purposes,

Thanks in advance!!



Do you have a link for the Vape you are describing on Amazon? (couldn’t find it)…I do wonder about the Lavender oil, though and its’ safety…I have always been under the impression that oils are not safe to vape


Interesting! I’ve heard of people smoking valerian root for relaxation but not vaping it. I actually have an herbal smoking blend ( ) that I thought had valerian, but I guess it doesn’t. It works wonders for getting me to sleep though! Just a little one-hitter of it does the trick. I’d love to find it in a vapeable form though.


I will find it now…one sec…I also have a pic of the bottle…see if I can’t link it in here…
though I was trying earlier to get pics off my phone and had no luck…we’ll get some info tho!


I did not vape it until I did a little reading and also read through the questions being asked.

“Can I vape this?” was like the first or second question asked and answered I think. I also couldn’t find anything negative about the valerian extract being vaped, nor lavender. I have only vaped about 2 mL’s…I’d like any info you have before I smoke it again if you’ve heard negative things.

I do recall reading something about ‘essential oils’ but it had to do with them being suspended in something other than VG and/or PG…at least I thought.

Anyway…I am appreciative at teh speedy responses. Any more information I can gather I will put up in here. If it is safe to vape, I can’t see how valerian can be a BAD thing. I genuinely thought it made me chill out…and that’s going from being super (work) stressed…so…

Thanks again!


I believe the biggest thing is whether or not there are lipids in the extracts and/or essential oils. That can be dangerous. Because of the question specifically with the safety of vaping EOs, I would be hesitant with that specific product. I think you’d have better results with the lavender if instead of vaping it, you put a drop on your hand while you vape.
Anyway, I’d love more info on adding an herbal/medicinal spin to my diy, I’ll definitely be watching this thread to see if anyone has more thoughts!

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me too!! I would like to THINK that a company that is listed as “Healthy Vapes” is going to indeed have…vapes that are healthy for you…but my trust doesn’t extend that far anymore when people are trying to make money. SO…I am going to go on their website and see what I can see. Thanks for teh tip on the Lavender…if this turns out to be a bust I will try the more traditional ways of ingesting valerian (chewing teh root) and what you suggested with the lavender. Thanks again!


@TopherZ420 You read it correct but I am like @VapeyMama and question the essential oil part.

Screen shots below are from the Amazon site you linked above.

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yup. now you guys have the information I have. Unfortunately I have been insanely busy at my new job (out with the old boss) and haven’t had proper research time into this…has been all research time into up and downstream db levels for cable/HSI signals…zzzz…not fun stuff like life and death vapings. I am going to get right to the source for information though, and contact ‘healthy vapes’ concerning whether lipids are filtered out through their processing or not. It concerns me that a simple ‘yes’ was the only answer (from God knows who) concerning safety. Had I been Healthy Vapes and desired transparency I would have jumped on that question not just with a “yes” but a “and this is why”. Anyway…any new news will be shared. I want this to be safe so my objectivity is out the window but I do promise only to report back information as I received it, undigested…not as I interpreted it. I also am going tot ry and find a 3rd party, as it is more than likely healthy vapes will claim it is perfectly safe.


Wonderful! :+1::+1:

it should be noted. I have tried, from different browsers, by different means, to get onto the website and…it is no longer there. That’s generally not a good sign. I am corking the Valerian/lavender/mango e-liquid I purchased until I get to the bottom of this… It is possible they simply changed site names or merged with another company…but with name recognition being what it is…when a site simply disappears, I become EXTREMELY wary and I would have to in good faith recommend anyone possessing these products to cork them for a minute while we find out just what exactly is going on. Perhaps the site is just ‘down’…but that is not the error I received. What I got was that the site is not THERE. Something else entirely. Anyone with any information, I’d appreciate your input. Going back to what VapeyMama said…for now perhaps the best bet is to keep your exposure external and treat it as an essential, non vaping oil. Bums me out but…such is life. I am contacting Amazon to see what they have to say about this. Their hands are not clean in any respect and they are responsible for their vendors.

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Is this the correct companies web site