Vampire vapes DIY juice steeping times research

So i am slowly putting together a findings guide to steeping times for Vampire vapes concentrates, I do use a mini coffee throffer when making the juice to aid in steeping times so without using this it will take longer. (They recon a coffee throffer can take up to a week of the steeping time)

If you would like to take part then please comment with:

-The concentrate flavor (whether PG/VG based) and %

-VG/PG ratio

-Steeping time/s

-Steeping Aid if used


If you guys feel i am missing some requested information that i may need then please let me know and i will update this as needed.



Flavour & % - Bubblegum (PG) 20%
Ratio PG/VG - 60/40
Steeping Time - 3 weeks
Steeping Aid - mini electric whisk
Rating - :star::star:

Findings - I first tried this at 15% 3 weeks steeping time and found the flavor very distant and mild. And not consistent all. I then upped the flavour by 5% and steeped again for 3 weeks and i found this very flavorsome although i do get a sort of layer of bubblegum taste left in my mouth in both tests. Its quite unusual but not off putting . lovely flavor and it reminds me of them 2p bubblegum you used to be able to buy from the sweet shop :slight_smile:

UPDATE 1 WEEK LATER - At first this was tasty and full of flavor bur after a week of vaping this has gone pretty tasteless…(this could be me not drinking enough water tho) .I rarely get a full flavor hit now and unless i can get this back to some degree i will not be buying it again.i will update further as i go.


Flavour & % - Strawberry & Kiwi (PG) 20%
Ratio PG/VG - 60/40
Steeping Time - 2 weeks
Steeping Aid - mini electric whisk
Rating - :star::star::star::star:

Findings - Again i first tried this at 15% and again found the flavor mild, Vampire vapes state that there flavors need 15-20% and with the last two flavors i have had to use 20% although i do know with other flavors like iced menthol that percentage drops significantly due to the strength of the menthol flavor. But still…with this particular flavor i found that 2 weeks steeping time at 20% was lovely and flavorsome and i prefer this over the bubblegum if i’m honest as the flavor seems to linger over more time…as we all know the more you vape a flavor the more accustomed your taste buds become to it which in turn means the flavor become more weaker.

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I know this is a bit of an old thread … but was wondering if you have some updates, or anyone else perhaps?
I was looking into vampire vapes concentrates but find very few flavor notes.

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