Vanilla Custard gon bad

Oky so i had these two bottle of VC by CAP for about 2 month there store in the same place one went darker on stayed the same is it spoiled or bad, am not sure what happened. Havent mixed the dark one yet to try see what happened


Are they v1 and v2 by chance or are they both the same? Has the dark one been opened but not the light one?


Que @Ken_O_Where


And dont, i have bought a LOT of VC V1 custard and have never seen it turn so dark so quickly or ever for that matter. Ive been using it for several years, IMO the dark bottle should be poured down the drain. I have a small bottle in the candy making cabinet, it is well over a year old and it look nearly the same color as newer product.


Boath are V1 the dark one was a new bottle from ecig, that i open once and used about 3% of it, the reg light color one was from bcf and its in its last quarter, nether did i, I had a 4 ounce bottle befor lasted me for a year of mixing no color changes at all.

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And was there a noticable difference in taste?

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I wonder if it was a bottling mishap. :thinking: Was it that dark when you first opened it? Cuz VC v2 is dark compared to v1. Does it smell kinda like barf and plastic? If so, it’s definitely v2 and was either mis-bottled or mis-labeled. Although, I’m not sure my v2 is even that dark…it’s kind of a reddish brownish, still clear though. I haven’t had this happen to mine that I can tell. Curiouser and curiouser.


Thanx everone
I did make a 10% pg and it was really good hhhh sweet custard and syrup :slight_smile:

So what happened is my roommate help him self for some of my VC :face_with_raised_eyebrow:, he was mixing a maple syrup something and he dumped what was left in the :syringe: back in the VC :baby_bottle: he claims about a ml or more he thought it was rest of VC,
so NOW I got this base :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: 85% Vanilla Cutard CAP/ 15% Pancake Syrup CAP
its pretty good too … i am mixed it around 5%

Thanx bro for the new creation of this whatever flavor :100: Vanilla PanTard Syrup

I did lecture him on cross contamination an I did advice him to use a scale…


@Criss_Trees He should be BANNED for life…

… or at least from the mixing cave that is…


Or, it could be one of those “Hey, you got chocolate in my peanut butter!” moments.


Touche @TW12


But really though, that was uncool to do to someone else’s stash.

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I would of literally made him drink the fucking thing :neutral_face:

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The thought crossed my mind, just not my keyboard.


Yeeah see I don’t have that filter…


+1 Mr. Pugs !!!


:joy::joy: am training/teaching him though, he is lucky it was just a 15ml, but hay 6 years ago i was worst than him, i made my mixes as a drink, mixed with water instead of pg/vg :zipper_mouth_face: to try it (drinking it) and see what flavor waahaaaaa :exploding_head:

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