Vape Mail! 2015-2016

Yeah, I noticed that, but, the price of 3 gallons of VG and 1 gallon of PG is only $56.00. Even paying a whopping 34.70 shipping it is still less than the $117.00 (Plus added shipping) I normally would pay for that quantity. It’s really that good?

***This what I call excellent customer service. My order was placed and shipped in under 24 hrs. on the weekend.

I placed an order with Focalcig on 5-3-15 and it still hasn’t shipped. That’s bad business and I won’t be doing business with them again. When will they learn, “Take care of your customers and your customers will take care of you.”.

Elev8 Vape

Order Status Changed

Hi Gregory

An order you recently placed on our website has had its status changed.

The status of order #XXXX is now Shipped

Order Details

Order Total: $56.98 USD
Date Placed: 10th May 2015
Payment Method: Credit/Debit

Shipment Tracking Numbers / Links
•940011020082960XXXXXX (Free Shipping)

Click here to view the status of your order

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Woooooo hoooooo it’s here!
Now for my tempco order?


Vail Mail!

Just kidding…

Don3 upload, thanks


This is a free sample of a great brand “Flavour Crafters” new max vg line . I though they were going to send me a one bottle sample …they sent it all in 30ml bottles and it smells amazing …I can’t wait to get my magma out tonight when the kids in bed and fog up my living room. I’ve been in a inspirational funk lately and his may be just what I need .


I just got some flavors to my stash - as if I didn’t have enough :stuck_out_tongue:

I got these TPA-flavors: Red Licorice, Swedish Gummy, Ripe Strawberry, Berry Crunch, Fruit Circles, Cheesecake Graham Crust, Honeydew, Peanut Butter, Champagne and Brown Sugar - Some were for restocking :smile:
I also got Cactus (Inawera) and Yoghurt (FW) :smiley:


Just in case there are any Canadians out there that need more info …least I can do for all this free juice !


Hi daath;

I have heard that TPAs cheese cake is not so good, just a warning. You’ll have to judge for yourself since I have never tried it personally. FWs yogurt I like a lot. I have a mix I call Yogie Bear that is a mix of that yogurt and gummi bears. Came out nice. Good luck with the new flavors…

Thanks! Yoghurt and gummi bears actually sound pretty good! :smiley:

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Vape Mail !!!


I need to learn how to get that sorta sample stuff for reviewing that’s amazing…

Maybe a recommendation from a certain mixed up could help :flushed:

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This should see me through the week hahaha




Amen brotha, amen.

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Can’t imagine drone deliveries in my town. There would be a lot of homies with “slightly blemished” (bullet holed) drones in their garages. It would be cool to see them in the air though.

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Actually they had advertised on a Canadian vape group on FB about sending samples to people who wanted them . I simply said “yes please”

Vape Mail!!!

…running with the “big dawgs” now!


Aw yeah, you’re betting a 100 now. How’s that tank compared to Goblin?

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Just got my updates and it looks like Wednesday will be friggin’ Christmas for me. I’m waiting for 2 M80 Pluses, some flavors from Bull City and Wizard (just got my ECX flavors), a Kuro Koiler set and hopefully (damn you Fasttech) my silicone sleeves for the istick 50.

I really do have a problem…


You’re in good company! I don’t think we need therapy, quite yet anyway. Like I always say, this hobby keeps us busy, off the streets and out of trouble!