I have two on the way. They should be here tomorrow or Thursday. It doesn’t show a delivery date yet. I’m like you… waited a while these. Looking forward to your review.
Just to give you a lil push…I’ve had more issues with domestic companies than I have with Fasttech. They’ve always shipped quickly, had pretty great stuff, and customer service was good. Start by ordering something small like drip tips or a 1:1 clone. Pretty soon, you’ll be as hooked as the rest of us.
I decided that after this doctor appointment today I’m getting a FAST TEC order together.
Thanks JoJo
Just remember, if you want it faster only pick stuff that’s listed as in stock or ships next day and pick epacket shipping.
One last order and my stash should be complete
Your Order Contains:
1 x Gozdziki (Clove) (Amount: 10ML)
1 x Czekolada Mleczna (Milk Chocolate) (Amount: 10ML)
1 x Tobacco Symphony (WG) (Amount: 10ML)
1 x Falcon Eye (WG) (Amount: 10ML)
1 x Cappuccino (Amount: 10ML)
1 x Czarne Jagody (Blueberry) (Amount: 10ML)
1 x Tobacco Gold Ducat (Amount: 10ML)
1 x Shisha Tobacco Drop (Amount: 10ML)
1 x Tobacco Absolute Virginia (WG) (Amount: 10ML)
1 x Tobacco DNB Flavour (WG) (Amount: 10ML)
1 x Frost (Amount: 10ML)
1 x S'Camel (Amount: 10ML)
1 x Tobacco Smoke & Prunes (WG) (Amount: 10ML)
1 x Pina Colada (Amount: 10ML)
1 x Mocca (Mocha) (Amount: 10ML)
1 x Rum (Amount: 10ML)
1 x Sliwka (Plum) (Amount: 10ML)
1 x Funky Pineapple
1 x Glamour Chocolate
1 x JD Whisky
But is it ever really complete?? Hehe
I got my iStick 40 TC in the mail today, yah! With some Ni 200 of course. No pictures included, the batteries of my camera are flat but y’all now what the thing looks like. Got my Lemo drop on it with a .14 coil. Now this noob has never vaped anything lower than .4 so maybe you can imagine I was a little paranoid at first, you know, the thing might just explode but it didn’t! Just got here in time for my birthday with another 16 Inawera flavours, Yah again!
Thanks for that! I will eat it on thursday, it’s not my birthday yet. Is that Donald Trump in the cake with a wig?
No that’s not the Donald!!! Would be funny though! Chris Farley from an old SNL sketch he used to do.
Man, if I hadn’t blown all my money on flavours and mods, I would be ordering a Tarzan right now!!!
What’s aTarzan?
…It is a state of the art vibrator You can’t vape on it!
LOLOL Can you imagine…a vibrating vaporizer!! It’s a million dollar idea…patent it right now!
I’d use one
With my lady friend @_@
Oh, you mean one of those “massage” thingies? Oh my! ; )
Must be nice to have every flavor on the planet. Wait a minute, I don’t see any asparagus…lol
Brussel Sprout?
I bet if you found the right person they could make it into a vape!