Vape Mail 2016!

Turkey basters coming soon !


The stir bars with the pivot ring just makes for less friction against the bottom, easier spinning, yet you may not ever notice the difference in the application.
I have almost every stir bar made, donā€™t always use an expensive beaker, and I get along fine.
In general, whether with a pivot ring [center ridge] or not, the size and SHAPE makes the most difference. The polygonal shape primarily has the least surface area, the octagonal has more. The cross, star, circle, etc. work OK, but are used more for certain applications, and can be priceyā€¦as a rare earth magnet will be.
One I didnā€™t mention above has become a fond favorite of mine for e-juice, the egg shape, or olive shape. Without a pivot ring it stirs well at lower rpmā€™s, yet still has plenty of surface area, and the design allows it to ā€œcutā€ through the thicker mixes. I had some tucked away, forgotten, then ran across them one day. I had been planning to make some single flavor testers [5ml] in a test tube, but didnā€™t have a teeny ā€˜bbā€™ size stir bar out in the pile of stuff on my desk, but saw some in the bottle of olive shaped bars, then used a larger one in my regular batchesā€¦worked great, and they shouldnā€™t be expensive.


I need a vape band or twoā€¦ knocked my target 75 watt mod\tank overā€¦ nothing bad, but gave me a scare.

Where to get those ELR bands from?

(22mm target tank)

((Iā€™m in the states, North Carolina))


I know @Whiterose0818 is the one who got them from the manufacturer.I think @Pattie was in charge of distribution in the UK but I donā€™t know if he has anymore on hand.I am sure between them two we can find you some.


The mind is the first thing to go they say , I thought you was in the UK! :joy:
We will wait for Whiterose0818 to chime in but if he doesnā€™t have any I can hook you up.No worries!:grinning:

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I got you, brotherā€¦pm me and we will discuss details.


Thanks, brotherā€¦tagging me goes straight to my email, so I see those faster. I just finished another lipo pwm mod, so I was busy, lolā€¦
BTW: all the cases came in this week, so I will be starting everyoneā€™s pwm Mods real soon. Your case turned out really niceā€¦Iā€™m totally impressed! Markus from BMG Mods has talent!
If you want a pic, lemme know!
Iā€™m SUPER impressed with the way @Pugs1970 case turned out! If you guys donā€™t wanna wait til I post pix or send out Mods, you can always go to BMG Mods on FB, the cases are posted there under their pixā€¦


FML Iā€™M SO EXCITEDDDDD :clap::clap::clap:



I think i have seen your box already on Facebook. Gotta say it was lots of cool designs they have printed.


I was gonna wait and not look, I lasted less than 5 seconds haha, I unbelievably LOVE it, I genuinely cannot wait to get my hands on it :grin: , @Whiterose0818 you are awesome brother :+1:


I was hoping you had a few bands left over!
Thanks for the heads up ,I just went to the BMG Mods Facebook page and grabbed this pic!


How can you not love it?
Truth and Justiceā€¦a Celtic crossā€¦and a Celtic rope knot with no beginning or endā€¦[or Gaelic, Manx, etc.]
Alatheiaā€¦as she was known in Greece. [A daughter of Saturn]

I wore the exact cross [sterling silver] for 20yrs, until it couldnā€™t be repaired any longer.


Absolutely impressive pieces!


Thanks @ozo , I gave @Whiterose0818 the idea with a Celtic cross and the words Veritas (Truth) & Aequitas (Justice-Fairness-Equality) to be on the mod.I think they absolutely nailed it!


I think this only just scrapes in as actual vape mail but stillā€¦
Had my fridge sticker delivered today that I had made on ebay :grin::+1:


DUDE ! That looks THE BOLLOCKS !


glad you like it man :grin::+1:

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Like it ? Iā€™m in my car heading oop north to drool over it !

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Iā€™d make a mixing room, but if I had a spare room Iā€™d make an aviary ! anyway I sleep during the day, and work at night, so I mix at work

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well, a mix room wasnā€™t the original idea with the summer house haha, people moaning at me when I had it all set up in the kitchen every weekend so it was a case of ā€¦ā€œright then, if you donā€™t like it, Iā€™ll do it in the f&*king summer house!ā€ (which to be fair was completely full of shit anyway) so I cleaned it out and kidnapped it, mine now :grin: