Vape Mail 2016!

In the mailbox today…
Some to replenish, most are new to the stash. :smiley:
From BCV

1 x Plum-TFA
(Size: 30ml)
1 x Sweet Cream-FW
(Size: 4oz (120ml))
1 x Bavarian Cream-FW
(Size: 4oz (120ml))
1 x Grape Concord-FA
(Size: 30ml)
1 x Fig-FA
(Size: 30ml)
1 x Pear Candy-TFA
(Size: 30ml)
1 x Sweet Coconut-FLV
(Size: 15ml Original Packaging)
1 x Tricks Cereal-FLV
(Size: 15ml Original Packaging)
1 x Chocolate Deutsch-FLV
(Size: 15ml Original Packaging)

From ECX

(6) 30ml bottles of Butter Pecan (FW)
I couldn’t resist. $1.66 each. :slight_smile:

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Today from Liquid Barn:

1x Vanilla Cream Tobacco 30ml
1x Butterscotch Graham Tobacco 30ml
1x Creme Brulee 30ml
1x Green Apple 15ml

Just mixed up 15ml of each single flavor to see how they vape after
a steep!

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Playing with tobacco flavors. I don’t know if I’ll go there. I have a couple of tobacco flavors and I don’t much care for the ones I have. LOL. It may have me wanting to pick up my pipe again. grrrr.
I am curious about the Creme Brulee. :slight_smile: I make a Green Apple Jolly Rancher type flavor for a friend, if it is Green Apple (TPA) it is pretty good stuff. :slight_smile:

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I LOVE Inawera’s Creme Brulee stand-alone @3%, so when I saw Liquid Barn had
a Creme Brulee, I just had to order it to compare. The ones I listed above are all
Liquid Barn flavorings, including the Green Apple. Really hoping they turn out good.

I made a comment up above, directly to you, im guessing maybe you didn’t see it…was maybe wanting a drip tip for a mutation x mt-rta… You got one? Can you make one? What colors you got left? Am I buggin?

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Sorry, didn’t see it. Yes, I have one and yes I’d be happy to make one. PM me. :smiley:

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What’re you working with, tobacco wise?

Ok, just so you guys know… when I buy mods - it isn’t really vape mail. But they usually just arrived in the mail at my local vape shop. My buddy there will text me pics of new stuff that just came in and my car drives to the vape shop after work all on it’s own. It is a problem, I know. I need help (fixing my car). But the Vapor Shark DNA 200 just swam into my wallet and took a bite out of my credit card then laughed as it swam into my pocket. My this thing is small, wicked cool. And just feels so good in your hand. And they black-chromed the buttons! :smiley:


I got all my flavors and vg and suplies in today.
I’ve already made 2,000 mils up


Got my Cuboid in this week along with the Evil Monk rda and the Double Vision rda, oh how i love that Cuboid it weighs a ton works realy well no cons so far. And i do not regret the Evil monk the flavor on this is great. Also got some wire tips batteries yadi yadi yada, 250$ worth of order you would assume the company would include a candy or some sort they gave me a lousy store branded vape band :unamused: Still a happy vaper!


Been using my cuboid daily and it is a bit on the heavy side but, nevertheless a well built device. Works a treat. You won’t be disappointed. :ok_hand:

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doesn’t look like much but from what I hear!!! I’ll be happy now to get my mix on :smiley::smiley:


In the mailbox yesterday…
Wire: 22 and 24 ga in Ti and 316L SS. 25 or 30 foot each. So far I am liking SS. Time will tell if I prefer it over Ti though.
Flavs: new to me Cream Cheese Icing (LA), and was almost out of Blue Berry Wild (TPA) and French Vanilla (TPA).
Looking forward to playing with the CCI!
Last but not least… A Coil Master V2 coil kit. No more using drill bits to wrap coils for me. :smiley:
Already made half a dozen coils. If I had known… This would have been one of my first purchases.

I should be done ordering stuff for awhile. sheeesh. Was a busy week :wink:


I am curious as to how well you like the Vapor Shark. I love it’s small size. Dunno if I can wrap my head around having the screen on the bottom.

The screen on the bottom is OK. I would rather it were on the side. But it’s not too bad. Overall, I love it. It is very comfortable in your hand. The fact that is has a zip charger means it charges super fast. Half the time it takes to charge my Tugboat. You need a 2amp charger for this bad boy. I grabbed a PNY ID10400 USB charger pack that charges it faster than anything else I own. Other than that, it is a DNA 200 device, in a very small package. The battery door allows easy access to the LiPO should you desire to remove it and charge with a regular LiPO charger. My only complaints are very minor to me. The screen on the bottom is one. And they should have made the + and - buttons domed like the fire button. I was just talking to my buddy at the vape shop the other day about modding a white iPV D3. I mentioned it would look really cool with black chrome buttons. So it was funny when I saw this mod the next evening and it had the black chrome buttons in it. I would buy another one if I could afford it.

I need to add, that even though I now have two DNA 200 devices, I still love my Pioneer mods. If you are looking for a nice temp control mod the iPV 5’s in every color are the nicest looking mods I have seen. I will be buying a silver one for sure. I can’t get it out of my head. And the Yihi chip is second only to the DNA 200 in my opinion as far as temp control. You know how heavy things seem to be made better? This iPV 5 is the heaviest mod I have ever held. Compared to every other mod I own, this is a Ferrari F430 sitting next to a Yugo. I find myself babying it and I never set it down where it may get a scratch, or fall over. I am the same way with my Tugboat. But the Vapor Shark has a coating on it that means it’s more durable, and it will be my carry mod because of that.

Sorry, didn’t mean to write a book.

Not so much Vape Mail, I wanted the instant gratification so I went to my local store to purchase. Got myself a Crown, so excited. Just need to take it apart to clean. Got the base and top off, but how the heck do you remove the glass?

Unscrew the two piece chimney. You will have to silver rings,one on each end of the glass, turn one counter clock wise and one clock wise to loosen. May take some good amount of force to get them to turn, you may need to use a damp hand towel to get a grip.

Worked like a charm thank you!

Your welcome!! :smiley: