Vape Mail 2016!

WHOOT! Got home to a black Griffin RTA in the mail box. :smiley:
Straight forward build and wick with plenty of room for a 3mm 7 wrap of Ti 24ga. There is room for a bigger coil! It shines in that regard. Vaping is on par with the Crius and MutationX MT RTA. (in other words its damned phenominal)
If you like a nice RTA. GET THIS! Prices are below $30.00 USD if you shop around. This one came from eBay. Now I have another tank to make a drip tip for. :smiley:


Your doing better than me. I placed an order 1/31/16 Shipped today.

But I dont care Iā€™m in no hurry.

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I placed an order Friday the 30th with Unkamen for some wire and it still hasnā€™t shipped. I have wire, so no biggie. But dangā€¦

I just received some batts from Illumn That I ordered on Friday. Now that was fast.

Ordered some coils from MFS last night and they shipped today.


MFS is usually very fast to ship in my experience with them. Now if they would get their pricing under controlā€¦


Yea some of there stuff is very high.

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I placed a order this morning with nicotine river and it already shipped, talk about fast, and my wismec noisy cricket ,indetructable last night and they also shipped


Love my new toyā€¦


Wow! Thatā€™s like the industrial version! :grinning: Nice!

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Itā€™s very niceā€¦ 2 liter bath with heater and 90 minutes timer. Cheap as hell. 40 pounds plus shipping.

I have already cleaned half of my attys and all my mech mods. And Sonja is steeping her third batch today.


I like the look of those. Very sleek and clean lines. So having never heard of the Kabuki before, I did a search and found House of Hybrids. I was shocked to learn I am not sophisticated -

The sophisticated vaper isnā€™t going to be bothered by the day to day grind of coiling an atomizer, the mess of drippingā€¦ the inconsistency of it all. Noā€¦ vaping isnā€™t supposed to be hard workā€¦ itā€™s a pursuit of pleasureā€¦ an exploration of enjoyment.

Well damn! I must just be a high tech redneck. Oh well, let freedom ring.


I went from high-tech redneck to vaping blissfully uncomplicated, lol. ā€”In the voice of Ferris Buellerā€” ā€œIt is SO choiceā€¦ If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one upā€¦ā€


My iPV 5 has landed!

And here is the whole iPV Family


Woweeeā€¦ that is purdy, LV !!

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Waiting on my ipv5. Hope i get it today. Looking good lv. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yes it is. I had looked at the blue iPV D3 the other day thinking I was going to want one. But the finish on them isnā€™t as good as this is. And they put what looks like white buttons in it and painted them blue. The paint on the mod and buttons looks terrible. But on the iPV 5 it is the best finish I have seen on a mod. This looks like blue metal for lack of a better description. And I was very happy to see they just used plain machined aluminum buttons. The silver iPV 5 is also extremely slick. I had no intention of buying a silver one. But after seeing it I really, really want one. Pioneer got their stuff together on finishing these mods.

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@LordVapor @ringling sorry it took me awhile here is the photo!

I hope to be getting @bradslinux to make me a drip tip for the Buddha!


So you have the Mutation X mt-rta? So you could make me a pretty little drip tip for that?
If so, what you got left as far as colors go??

Thats a nice one. I love mine. But i think i need a bigger one lol

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I ordered this Monday night. And came in today. Wow fast shipping.
The noisy cricket, indestructible atty. Samsung 25rs. And some very nice tiger coils.

Remember men in black. Will smith had that tiny gun that knocked him on his ass. This is that gun. Little but mighty