Vape Mail 2016!

Got the wrap for my CoilMaster 521 Tab from ZapWrapz today…I love it :smiley: UK to BKNY…oh yeah


Man, that is SWEET!


Thanks! Couldn’t wait to get home and get it going.

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Gotta get one. Hope shipping to States ain’t terrible :slight_smile:

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Well I ordered 2 of them and with shipping (to NYC) it came out to around $33 after conversion. So minus 10 pounds from that for just 1 piece. They are the only ones so far that have wraps for the 521 tab…I used my google-fu for a bit to see if anyone in the states did but not yet that I saw.

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Actually recieved this two days ago, but due to my crazy schedule the last two days (yesterday was my birthday! -though @Whiterose0818 didn’t know it), I wasn’t able to post this the instant I received it.

All I can say is Wow!!! Your generosity and ‘welcome’ package is just so overwhelming!!

I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the helping hand in getting started, and to think, it all started out just asking about the possibility of getting a couple of black “Flavor Chaser” bands.

  • My first Dripper!
  • My first time using/trying SS wire (all I’d had previously was Kanthal, including clapton, twisted, and fused clapton!!)
  • multiple types of cotton to try!
  • finally enough bottles to do more than a couple mixes while the others were either being cleaned, or being used to get by while one or two steeped…
  • drip tips!!
  • and of course, the ELR bands that started the whole pm (and just totally ROCK!).

While I’ve found a ton of good info, and read about a bit in several other places, I’ve never seen a community like this in the vaping world.

I’m both honored and proud to be here, and slowly becoming a part of the family that exists!
Thank you all for such a warm welcome, and especially @Whiterose0818 for just making a guy feel like he just walked in on a family reunion -meeting distant cousins/aunts/uncles that he he’d not met before!
/floored and grateful


to @Whiterose0818 and @Sprkslfly …once again…

And Happy Birthday Sparks!!!


Thank you!! :slight_smile:


So Cotton Bacon vs Japanese vs Rayon is a hot topic. Be sure to let us know if you can tell the difference in taste or the work of wicking …and HaPpY BiRtHDaY!


Will definitely try to! -though I’m still working on figuring out sizes for coils relative to tank type etc.

I currently have 3 styles (thanks to the recent addition!) and each one seems decidedly different.

  • Cleito RTA (tired of paying for coils)
  • Theorem (which is so easy to wick it’s stupid, but hate the glass.)
  • and now the Velocity styled RDA!!

Last kanthal clapton build on the Cleito was awesome (no leaks and no wicking problems), but when I replaced it, went slightly larger diameter only to find out that it allowed too much cotton to be fed, thus choking the inlets, unless trimmed…then trimmed too much. ><

So…yeah…gonna be a bit before I can give any kind of ‘informed opinion’ probably, simply due to still getting the base learning curve down. lol :wink:


Not too much rocket science going on in vaping…right?
Then get into steam-engine and all them tools…need a degree like a Phd…
No problem if you spend time there to learn.
Making Clapton wire has become so easy…I do it all the time.
[Hey, nothing wacko like our Brother @Pro_Vapes ]
The bottom line is…wicking is an art in and among itself… not just device to device, but how each of us use the particular device.
There is no calculator, no YouTube vid, no nada,etc. that will give any individual a perfect wick for any situation. It is the only tool we don’t have available. [unless I am old and have missed it, and I am old(er)]
[photos withheld by choice]


Hey, Hey @ozo… It’s probably been a year since I made a clapton. Since I’ve been using Ti in Temp mode it’s giving me all I need in a vape… (minimal work with max benefits). But when I was on the clapton wagon, it was waaayy better than the standard kanthal coils that I was 1st introduced to.


Brother, you made some exquisite Claptons… some wild s++t
You deserve an award…maybe 10+ awards…
You get the “Golden Buzzer”. Confetti and all.
Salute …my dear capitan…do not be so modest…
you were kickin’ ass before there was ass to be kicked.
You can never run from the truth, it will always catch you in the end.
God bless you, and all you hold dear.


What gauge ect of Ti have you been using? Ohm, and ect.

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I also use 22g Ti with a 3mm ID, 5-4 wraps… It also ohm out the same.

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Yeah, this is more what I was referring to… lol
The size of the chamber (overall) dictating max ID on coils, while the well diameter that the wick goes into (for tank types) interacts with the coil’s ID, and the amount of cotton required to fill the coil while not over-stuffing the well…etc.

Not rocket science at all! -but definitely some technique and an art that has to be learned :grinning:

My progress reminds me of that Family Circus cartoon 30-odd years ago… I think it was Jeffy trying to hit a baseball and saying “Hey Mom!!! Come watch!! My missing’s getting closer!!”

I was so happy with and proud of that last Cleito build…now, if only I can reproduce it. :persevere:


I was finally able to order some flavorings. I placed the order Friday morning and it Arrived today . That is by far the fastest I have ever received a package. Thanks… this was my first time ordering from them and I’m definitely pleased . I’ve always used and never once had a problem . I feel like I’m cheating on them ha ha . Ecig express just happened to be cheaper that day. 28 new flavors to work with . I usually just
get the "sample size " because it’s just for me . My wife doesn’t like … well anything. She vapes a coffee cream by @OhmSociety and my own vanilla almond ry4.


Got a dozen more “writer’ bottles, 400 [four-hundred] 2” squares of Puffs organic cotton, 500’ SS wire, 8 new sizes of egg-shaped mag stir bars, 180 dissolvable labels, 8 new 30Q batteries, and a very special box from a dear friend on ELR that contained an EZ Dripper bottle and a ZapWrap for one of my CM 521 TAB’s… OORAH !!!


WHHAATT!!! No Pictures. That really suck.


I second that thought