Vape Mail 2016!

We like pictures. :sunglasses:


Pictures or you didn’t get any mail. :yum:


Just go’s to show we all :heart: you @ozo


No pictures, the camera is now safely locked in the xxx safe.


Such a shame. :frowning:️


:frowning: :anguished:


Not the xxx’s, the camera.
[bad, bad camera]


[chuckle] @ozo you could just move the pistol over to the next table for picture takin’ …but that would probably knock another pistol to the floor, or worse, land on a sleeping kitty …so we getcha :wink: Protest duly noted brother :camera:

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Oh no, you didn’t just use the ‘P’ word !


Oh WAIT I have some VapeMail. Thanks @Whiterose0818! I got my rayon, sweet! …and thanks. Now I have to say… I always thought Rayon was a polyester fiber (clothes?), but it’s just tree cotton. They process wood and remove everything but the cellulose fiber. People freak out about all the chemicals used in processing, but this looks pretty straightforward to me. As a cosmetic item, I’m pretty sure some baby bunnies got this stuff rubbed in the eyes in the 60’ & 70’s (animal testing is BaD! like camera’s!).

The result is longer continuous fibers and they’re much finer/fluffier (see pics) than Japanese cotton. I actually have more of an issue with all that “Organic” crap which I can actually taste and see in Japanese cotton(see pics). Come on Rayon-haters :wink: look at all those little brown organic chunks in the Japanese cotton and the slightly brown color (eewww). The rayon is bright white and super clean and way fluffier …I look forward to checking it out …might do a burn resistance test between the two (timer on mod)

Thanks again bro, this may be the only way to change people’s minds about this stuff… give 'em a wee bit …ok ALOT!


I have seen a lot of people refer to rayon as a polymer and I get confused every time.


I think it’s over-advertised as something special and not some cotton substitute


Its not like we’re vaping sweaters(or whatever the fuck rayon fabric is used for)


What, you be vapin’ pantyhose now? :smile_cat:

At least twice I have posted the facts on rayon vs organic cotton…
I will see if I can find it again.

Not to be dissed… I just re-wicked 5 atty’s [single and duals] with a snake out of a box of 44043 from Sally’s. [for you newbies, that’s the 50yr box…not the 25yr box, eh @Whiterose0818 ?

Edit: Know Your Fibers


does it feel like cotton? I hate the feel of real cotton so if it doesnt Id be sold on it just for that (real cotton is like nails on a chalk board hate touching it)


I don’t know how you are gonna “cotton to” the feel of rayon, but it is more fibrous to the touch.

[“cotton to” is southern slang for ‘getting close to’…] but you probably knew that…I tried to be funny,…FAIL.

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it is silkier. @Anonymiss that makes you a “tactile” person. You might say something like “I feel you” instead of “I hear you” or “I see what you’re saying” You likely say “I can’t quite put my finger on it…” but you have to touch everything (guessing) :wink:

If you PM @Whiterose0818 he might just send you some (if you live in the US), or you could just go down to the beauty store and touch some …it’s the stuff they put in your hair when coloring or in between your fingers for nail polishing. It’s like a long continuous rope of softer cotton


please join my Kickstarter campaign for my newly developed Vape Sweaters …intended for Vaping Widows who’s husbands pay more attention to their box mods and tanks (Oh! Vape Mail! [she rolls eyes]) than pay attention to their Miz [insert your imagination here as to how these look and work] Vape Sweaters! (made from 100%Rayon) [batteries not included]


If you have ever pulled that white ball out of the top of any prescription pill bottle then you have felt rayon.It looks very similar but feels a little different ,hard to explain but it feels slicker.I love the way rayon wicks and love the way it is almost tasteless.Rayon also doesn’t seem to break down the way that cotton does.


Yeah I can touch that stuff doesnt bug me at all its what i call fake cotton so I know I will be ordering to wick with :slight_smile:

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